Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Really dreading tomorrow.....

Karen, I have taken something to help me in that department although TOTM is on her way with a vengence! I am sat here curled up with cramps and pains in lower tummy and back. I am sure the bloating is to do with that. She still has not arrived yet but I think she is around the corner. I know it is going to mess up tomorrow. At least I will know why! I have taken painkillers butthey have not touched the pain.

This will be the second visit since giving birth and so far it is much more painful than the first.

Also, this explains my up and down mood the last few days I suppose. Why do I have to be suffering the day before WI??? I don't even want to get on the scales tomorrow now :( ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
sending hugs hunni and hope ur feeling better soon xxx
good luck for ur wi and let us know how u get on xxx
aww poor Lea :( hope your cramps go soon.. also, i giggled at your use of the word "she" but then I thought "well it must be a she.. coz only a she could be such a b*tch :p" haha.. so i think you're right :D good luck for tomorrow.. i'm sure it wont be as bad as you believe! xxx
Morning, just thought I'd log in before work to say I'll be thinking of you today :) - oh and good luck with that WI xxx
Thanks guys :)

I have not weighed in yet. Still no sign of her (yes Jess, it has got to be a she!). I am still bloated and cramping and bunged up. I want to give it an hour to see if the meds will help at all. Not feeling at all positive about it today though.

I'll check in later x
Thanks guys :)

I have not weighed in yet. Still no sign of her (yes Jess, it has got to be a she!). I am still bloated and cramping and bunged up. I want to give it an hour to see if the meds will help at all. Not feeling at all positive about it today though.

I'll check in later x

Good luck for WI, sucks about the TOTM! It always comes when we dont want it eh! x
Well not good at all :( Totally expected though. I am really disappointed however. When you put a lot of effort in and work hard at something it hurts to not see the result you want. I still have not been able to go to the toilet either and I know that is not going to help.

Anyway, I have gained 1.2lbs :( I am now 156.0lbs. Not happy about that at all. I was really hoping to break 11st but that's not to be. I have been good all week (all within points) I have earned 17.5 APs and still a gain. Not pleased. Nevermind. Onwards and downwards hey?

I am not going to change my ticker as hopefully that is a 'false' result if you like and next week I will hopefully be back to where I was last Monday at least.

Thanks for checking in xxx
aww Lea its TOTM and most people gain - dont you worry, give it a few days until the period bloating has passed and I'm sure you will see a big difference already :) xxx *big hugs*
Aww, I'm sure it's only because of your TOTM. Especially as you've not had many, it'll be worse. Don't worry about it, next week will be back to normal :)
lea, I even gained on CD at totm... that was on about 500 cal's.... dont be disheartened your doing great, and i'm sure next week you will well and truly be in the 10's

chin up


Nas x
Thanks so much guys. You have made me feel better. It's just horrible. The trouble is I have been expecting the TOTN for about a week now and nothing. Now I am late as well so even worse! Hopefully it will arrive in next couple of days.
Horrible horrible Aunt Flo :(

Never mind hon, here's to a good loss next week to make up for it.

Have you tried putting a hot water bottle on your tum? Feel better soon x
Well not good at all :( Totally expected though. I am really disappointed however. When you put a lot of effort in and work hard at something it hurts to not see the result you want. I still have not been able to go to the toilet either and I know that is not going to help.

Anyway, I have gained 1.2lbs :( I am now 156.0lbs. Not happy about that at all. I was really hoping to break 11st but that's not to be. I have been good all week (all within points) I have earned 17.5 APs and still a gain. Not pleased. Nevermind. Onwards and downwards hey?

I am not going to change my ticker as hopefully that is a 'false' result if you like and next week I will hopefully be back to where I was last Monday at least.

Thanks for checking in xxx

Hun it sounds like a combination of TOTM and not being able to go to the toilet. You'll have that off in no time chick xx
get a good strong laxative and take it at night xxx hopefully itll clear itself up soon chic and ur totm will arrive to, i always found the later they are the sorer u get, so hopefully itll just come on.
and dont be disheartened by the gain, it sounds like u didnt use a lot of points, so this and ur totm, and constapation u couldnt not hunni xxx
aw sorry hun :( but you know what peter kays says dont you? " you can s**t a pound! so i definately bet thats why and even more so as your due yout TOTM.

just you wait til next week and the loss will be all the reward you need!

keep your chin up - youve done fab so far!

suz x