Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

oh no hope shes ok sending hugs xxxx
Sending positive thoughts for your Mum. Take care x
sending love and hugs to you and your mum. hope you're both doing good xxx
Thanks all x

I spent the day with her yesterday. She was not looking at all good. She had morphine so she was out of it basically. She was not totally compesmentus and was talking to me about a necklace she had bought me recently which was not true :( She was looking really yellow and she was in a lot of pain. They gave her some xrays last night and they have a CT scan booked in this morning to see if they can see what on earth is wrong. They suspect Kidney/Gall stones but there are a lot of people on her ward with the same thing but none of them look like she does :( I was so upset last night. I had nightmares all night. I am going to give her a ring in a mo and see how she is sounding. I hope to have news later on as to what is wrong with her.

My issue was that she looked/sounded EXACTLY like my nan the day she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Whilst I am confident it is nothing like that it is very upsetting to have all those memories bougght back as my nan died a matter of weeks after that.

Well hopefully they will find the root of the problem today and get her in for an operation or something. I just hope it is not as bad as it looks because it was scary :(

Thanks for all your kind words xxx
for both your sakes i really hope its just the gall stones hunny - keep us updated and look after yourself too - make sure you're eating / drinking properly xxx
I'm sure it's fine, if they suspect gall stones then it probably is, they're doctors with lots of experience! Try not to worry too much. *huuuuge hugs*
hope ye get some good news soon hunni and shes feeling better soon xxx sending hugs xxx
Trust the doctors hun, I'm sure they know what they're doing. Try not to worry yourself too much. Make sure you try and eat, drink and get some rest so that when she's home your ok in yourself to look after her :)

Take care and lots and lots of hugs sent your way. Thinking of you xxx
Hope your mum has improved a bit today Lea, take care of yourself, its easy to forget about you when your so worried about someone else.
Just caught up on your diary, hope things work out ok honey, sending you big cuddles!
Thinking of you and your Mum. Hope your Mum shows some improvements today. You take care of yourself xx
Thanks everyone. She was looking a little better yesterday but still in a lot of pain. They never gave her the scan she was supposed to have. God knows what they are playing at! She is still on the morpine and loads of antibiotics/anti sickness drugs etc. They suspect either Gall bladder/kidney/liver problems so we are still in limbo. Her blood pressure is very low still which they are not happy with and her blood is showing sign of 'something' but it is all inconclusive at the moment. No one knows much!

I have been taking care of myself. No exercise (apart from pacing the halls!) but I have been eating my points pretty much even though it has been pretty late at night. I have been drinking my water each day too. Not sure about my WI tomorrow....AF has arrived today and I have been eating late but to be honest I don't really care either way. I would love to lose although if I haven't it won't worry me as much as last week as I am worrying about other things right now. SOmetimes diets don't seem all that important.

Saying that though, mum keeps saying how much weight she is going to lose in hospital....she has been on the atkins and shed a stone but she wants to lose more...can you believe she is taling about weight at a time like this? Typical mum
Just popping in to say hi, and hope you're mum gets her diagnosis soon.

Well done with sticking to the diet at such a worrying time like this hun x x x