Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Well done Lea, glad you're feeling better and back on track as well as enjoying your exercise bike!
Hi Lea, glad to see that one of your pesky pounds has gone. Well done on getting on your bike!

I think kids all have their own unique little crawling technique. Its really sweet to watch some of them - you wonder at them not doing it the easiest way. x
hey thats brill leah! you can do it no probs! next week is gonna be it i can feel it!

suz x
well done lea x

my son used to roll everywhere - he could cover an impressive amount of ground!
Hi Lea

Glad that pound has gone and with your exercise bike in such good use I'm sure you will soon have those other 2 gone. Sadly, in the interest of staying alive, I shan't be joining the cycle challenge but I'm an excellent cheer leader supporting you from the sidelines.

M - lovely to see you. Don't worry - I need cheerleaders :D and you do make a fab one ;)

Anna - I am IN LOVE with my bike :D Lovely to have you back posting again.

Karen - thanks. Yeah, she can get from one end of a 15ft living room to the other quick smart now ;) Clever girl just does not want to redden up her knees ;)

Suz - I hope you are right. I really really do. I just feel as though this is it for me now. Maybe my cycling will catch up and make me lose some weight. I feel like my metabolism has stopped now. I hope it kicks back in again :) How are you doing?

Rosie - how is my favourite maintainer? She does make me laugh. She is so pleased with her self rocking and then she falls backwards lol. You have got to wonder what she is so proud of lol.

Jax - thanks. How are you doing? I am loving my new exercise routine. I do feel back on track even if I am having the odd treat ;)

Well this week should be interesting. I will be exercising everyday. I will be watching what I eat and i just HAVE to lose another pound come friday...if there is any justice in the world that is...

I hope everyone is ok :)
this has got to be it leah for sure!! theres no way you can exercise like a demon and eat well and not loose lol - just make sure your eating enough if your going to exercise loads or your body might hold onto it and we dont want that hell no!!

my Lucas is being lazy at the momment! he's starting to roll on his side but only does it when he really wants lol checky boy lol

roll on friday eh!

suz x
Actually Suz, that is the only thing I am worried about :/ Plus I don't drink enough. Will do better this week in preperation for a good friday for us both!
i think you'll be ok hun, its worth a try and if nothing else you'll be more toned :) but dont forget muscle weighs more than fat so maybe measurements and going off how your clothes fit will be a better gauge than what the scales say xx
Yeah, possibly. I will take measurements again on Friday. I have not done it for a while as the inches stopped moving lol. Everything crossed x
Hi Lea, Dont wanna put a dampner on your WI this week but I agree with Suz, muscle weighs heavier and you've done loads on that bike of yours. Just dont want to risk you being disappointed come Friday! Having said all that will have fingers and toes firmly crossed for you! Take care xxx
Jax - thanks for popping in :) I think the same don't worry. I don't mind. I am cycling to get fit (and hopefully lose the last couple of pounds!). I am nervous about Friday though - I don't know what to expect....
I was just going on my body's reaction to sudden exercise lol - 2lbs down in the last four weeks or so. Am sure you'll be fine tho - like you said its for fitness too so you cant fail to be disappointed with your fitness levels increasing as they obviously are! xxx
Well after a good week foodwise and a great week exercise wise I have lost 1.5lbs! I am now back to what I was before i gained the couple of pounds. Back to my lowest weight so far 141.4. It means I have caught up with my ticker :)

So I now have just half a pound or more to go to see 10.0 on those scales. I HAVE to get closer to that this week. I cannot afford to risk gaining 2 lbs again. I need to lose this last tiny little bit.

Back to exercising everyday. Must drink more water too. I amd definitely back on track and I hope just 1 r 2 more weeks away from what I thought was an impossible weight :)

I am happy this week ;-)
Hey well done Leah on your 1.5 pounds loss! :D

The exercising obviously helped - and your doing great and enjoying it (which is a bonus) I'm thinking of getting a exercise bike as am sure its the key to getting to goal now (more exercise) as like you I thought my metabolism had stopped working :p

More exercise also helps your body release those HAPPY endorphins :D:D

good luck this week for stomping all over that last half a pound and reaching your goal x
congrats Lea you've done brilliantly! so pleased for you :) 2 more weeks and you'll defo see 10.0!! xxx
oh thats brilliant Lea!! well done you! :) just keep hopeful for next week now hun!

suz x