Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Well done! It is great feeling when scale finally is moving down!:)
well done lea, you're so close now. it must feel fab ! am looking out for a cheap exercise bike now, you have inspied me. dont seem to be able to fit in walking or swimming at present but thinking i can do that in the evening in front of tv
Congratulations Lea, your hard work on that bike is paying off. :O)
Well done Lea you are getting stronger again and the old determination is starting to show through with great results, knew you could do it

Thanks M, that means a lot! It's harder to be strong now but I WILL get there this time. I WILL NOT gain 2 or 3 pounds and start from scratch......

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments - it is always such a good motivator.

I have prepared myself for 4 good days now before WI....I will exercise everyday and I will hide any tempting food and I will do well food wise. If I don't get to goal Friday it will only be because of too much exercise ;) Not too much eating ;)

Here we go - Day 1 :D
Oh and I WILL drink 2 pints of water everyday......

Someone please come in and kick me daily please? I need a firm hand I think if I am to do this :D
heres a kick for today hun ;)
Thanks Suz. Despite the lack of kicking I am having a good week. Been good food wise and just did 4o mins on my bike. I love exercising at the mo.

Also, I went for a walk today - normally i take the short cut up the back of the houses to avoid a MASSIVE steep long hill. Well today I just went and decided I would push my baby girl right to the top :D I felt it alright. I am so proud of myself though. I am making a change :)
my god your doing fab!! your gonna be well slim and toned so good for you - your hubbies eyes will be popping out ;)

good luck for friday-how you feeling?? nervous, confident?

suz x
Hi Lea - you are so right about the small changes that make a big difference - you will have burned some serious calories pushing the pram up that hill - so you should feel proud of yourself.

Just generally moving a little more when you would sit on your behind is all that's needed really - my skipping when the kettle boils etc or doing some squats - that sort of thing.

Every little helps - (and I hate Tesco - but they're right!) xx
Hiya, not been in your diary for a while, well done on last weeks loss...You have done so well, all the best for this week xx
Well done Lea,and thankyou for letting me join in the exercise challenge.

Dont think you need any kicking hun you are well motivated!! :) xx
Well done Lea! Like Fuzzy says - no kicking required - you're doing fab on your own!
Things have gone to pot. I feel so poorly. Cora has gastroenteritis and has been sick now for 4 days. Last night I felt it coming....now I can't move without feeling sick. Not fun. Exercise is down the pan (although I managed 30 minutes last night before it came on) and my tummy is swollen and sore. This is not nice :(
You poor thing, it sounds awful. Don't worry about the exercise, you need rest to build your strength up. Have you got anyone that can pop in and give you some tlc.
Hope you start feeling better soon xx
Oh sounds rotten, I hope it comes and goes quickly, how is your little one now? Remember to take sips of water to avoid dehydration xx
Morning. Thanks everyone for your support. I don't feel too bad this morning. I actually feel hungry which is good (or bad maybe???). Cora seems a little more with it today. She has had 2 bottles of milk in the night and kept it down so that is a good sign. She is back trying to get DH's controllers for his games consoles from under the tv stand so she must be feeling better as she has not bothered with them all week (she drives me mad with that!!!!!!).

I just WI and I am PROUD to announce that I have fnally hitten my ultimate target!!!!!!!!! I am now 10 stone exactly :D I have not even been to the toilet yet (I normally wait until after that...) so that is great :)

7 months on WW - 32lbs gone and dropped from 12 stone 4 to 10 stone. I am now lighter than my wedding day, lighter than when I got pregnant with my first and even lighter than what I was when i was super fit and going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I feel great. So proud of myself.

So here is to maintaining and keeping up the exercise :D

Thanks to everyone on minis for both inspiring me and supporting me along the way. I could never have done it without you all. MMMUUUAHHHHH!