Less thinking more doing!

I weighed in this morning, only because I was pretty sure I would like what I saw.

My back is not good from lying down too long (have a longstanding issue with my back).

I have several hours of work to do but can't sit to do it until this afternoon. Bit of a mess really.

Moving around is good so housework here I come...
That's ok, Zeke! You're back, that's the main thing

Thank you! Then I promptly disappeared again LOL!

Just back from visiting my hometown - a long overdue trip. Needless to say I didn't bother getting back on plan before that. It ALWAYS involves meals out etc - if I was in 'the zone' then I could make good choices but hey. I am over declaring I am 'on a diet' when I see people every six months - been there too often and I am still fat - too embarrassing now.

Despite getting back early today I have achieved exactly nothing. Didn't sleep brilliantly - fell asleep late and woke early (that pint of diet coke almost certainly partly to blame).

The good news is that I'm still 86% off the booze. Had a bit of Friday night but nothing like the previous Friday - won't drink now until the wedding on Friday. I seem to have a Friday drinking thing going on but that is better than an everyday/nearly every day thing. I like it.

Got some marking to do this evening. Annoying I am so tired STILL! I'll probably wake up around bedtime...

Anyway, what about losing weight? Errr...

If I am 100% honest with myself my gut instinct is that a lot of things I want to change in my life would stand a much better chance of being realised if I stepped away a lot more than I do now from the internet. Take my kindle to bed rather than the ipad (so better sleep maybe), got stuff done rather than sat at my computer on forums etc. I've been here before. This revelation is nothing new. I've managed it for up to a month, and it does have a massive impact. Habits - so tough to properly break!
Hi Zeke, Thought I would give you a look to see how you are going.
I've noticed that lots of people are having a problem with keeping to any sort of routine at the moment no doubt a lot to do with the cold weather now plus the oncoming xmas season not to mention the darker evenings and with the added complications regarding your back it's enough to make anyone feel somewhat defeated. I'm having much the same problems myself and it's very hard to get back to the dieting as well.
At least you've managed to keep a reasonable check on the drinking which is great .. Are you finding that it's helping with your sleeping at all?

All the very best to you and hope you will continue to persevere and not give up :)
Thanks Emm

Sorry to hear that you are struggling to get back into the groove too!

Yes, think my quality of sleep is better without any drinking at all.

I won't give up! I do need to shake things up though...and do stuff rather than sit here! To be fair I have just done an hour of housework and just sat down to do the marking. I think I need to go quiet now for a while (on this diary at least) and 'JUST DO IT!'