Lets get competative!?!


Padlocking the cookie jar
The days are shorter...darker....more miserable (I definately suffer from SAD). Anyway, it seems to be the time of year when motivation starts to slip. I was wondering if we should attempt to motivate ourselves with mini competitions such as 'biggest loser of the week' or 'most number of honks in a row' or 'first to lose the next 10lbs'?

Maybe a stupid idea, but just thought I would throw it open and see what people think....
Good idea
I dont do weight loss challenges but I like the honk idea or biggest loser of the week, theyve got potential :)
Sounds fun to me.
The honks idea is good. Problem with a number of lbs or whatever is that 2 people who are both 100% can have different losses depending on their weight, totm etc.
yes i really need something i had some friends come round today and i was good the whole time they were here then when they went i ate the leftovers im such a plonker. whenever i get back to 84 i eat again back on track tomorrow and please lets start this challenge.
biggest loser sounds good. I am also going to start the 30 day shred tomorrow so hoping to lose another dress sie for xmas. I'm in!
Count me in im struggling today need something to keep me going
im in