Lipotrim from GP?

I just saw on the LT website that LT can be prescribed through your GP.

Has anyone done this? I just went straight to the chemist but I get free prescriptions at the moment and the £36 a week is going t be quite a large strain on us, do you think its worth going to the GP? I was 5 lbs at weigh in on monday, 5 ft 5, bmi is almost 32.
:( Well I have asked a few times and I have a brilliant relationship with my Gp - and its a no! I also get free scripts for life as on thyroid meds and have slipped discs so losing weight would have helped that and I was still refused :( She told me that its not available on script - whether that means everywhere I dont know but certianly not here or at my prev address in different area .... would be LOVELY if it was though. you never know, it may be area depending?? u may get it? Cant be no harm in asking!! x
It costs them to do it that way so a lot won't help. Which I personally think is stupid as being over weight they moan will damage us in so many ways but obviously not enough that they will fund our weight losses :( x x x
I tried to get mine on prescription but they said no! I also have a good relationship with my GP. Might as well ask though. X

I am on day 4 still 100% hopefully I can continue one day at a time xx