Lisa's make or break ...


New Member
Hi everyone,

I attempted exante last year, i was on and off the diet for a few weeks and lost 6 lbs. Pathetic attempt really.

Since then i havn't bothered to try and lose weight.

I have just over a week's worth of Exante left then I will be moving onto Slim and Save (4 packs).

I have a horrible relationship with food and i binge eat every day.

This last year my husband and i have grown apart, we no longer have an affectionate relationship. The lonliness i feel is unbareable and I now suffer with Clinical Depression. My husband is a good man and has never "made" me feel unattractive but i know this is the reason our relationship is suffering.

I have tried on numerous occassions to lose weight for me and it hasn't worked. So this time i am losing weight for us. I miss him, i miss us.

I won't be weighing myself or measuring, i'm just going to get on with it and when i feel happy to stop i will.

The last time i weighed I was 17 stone 8 so it's a rough guide for everyone as to what size i am. I wear a 24 and would like to be a 14 one day.
Welcome on board Lisa! You'll get soooo much support and encouragement here.
If you're truly ready and in the right frame of mind to do this then you WILL DO IT!
My advice would actually be to get up on those scales.
It's so daunting and scary I know only too well but it's a real incentive to keep going as you measure your progress.
Best of luck on your journey hun. Stay focussed on your goals, write them all down if it helps.
Only you can do this for yourself but we're all here to spur you on.
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Hi and welcome,
I would agree that taking your weight or, if you cant face that, just take your measurements would help you to stay motivated and know that it is really working! I dont think I could carry on if I didnt know that my measurements were changing regularly! Even if you did them and then had a month on plan before taking them again it would feel like some reward when you have proof of the difference to your body.
Ultimately you have to do what feels right for you so good luck whatever you decide!