Little sparks of slimming happiness...

I know I will fit into the clothes I keep at my mum's villa when I visit in three weeks time, as I have now lost the weight I put on since last summer. I was worried that I would have to buy and cart new clothes over there again!
It was carting another suitcase along half way round the world with my six year old and her suitcase that was the biggest problem!
thats brilliant - I need to get a new pair of jeans - in a size 10!

When I joined SW in May last year, my size 16's were too tight on me. I've currently lost just over 2 stone, which I know isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I'm disabled so can't exercise a lot, and there is a history of diabetes/heart disease in my family, so I've reduced my chances of both of those illnesses (thank goodness!)

well done to everyone on their achievements.
Bought this top ages ago, which was actually just a little bit to tight at that time, but I loved it...aaand I still got bigger!!!
And now, when I finally thought:hmm maybe I could at last squeeze into it again... its too
pitty...coz it is a real nice but nevertheless I am way happy :)

I was also happy last week, when I got out my bike and realized how much easier I found cycling, which is so good, since I adore cycling.yay!! :character00201:
well, today for the first time i noticed that my face is a bit thiner and less puffy woo hoo!!