Liz's CD Diet to Goal

i'm good thank hun! Off to the gym for the 2nd time this week...pitiful attempt yesterday of 20 mins then too tired but better than nothing, knuckling down with food plans, so have written a food diary plan for the week, steeping back down to 810, so today 1500, then 2 x 1200, 2 x 1000, then 810 onwards, menus decided in advance so hope fully will help me out, (let me know if want a copy and i'll mail you).
plus i like filling out forms n sheets n daft!
have agood day hun, hope you get some rest today!
Hows the diet going? I restarted CD Sole Source 3 days ago..... was so pleased to get through my 3rd day yesterday, but I think my struggle is going to be today, all I can think about is food and why I should do WW instead of CD..... I think the answer is that every week I was going to do WW and I have put on another stone. In size 14s now instead of the 8-10 I was this time last year..... am going to hit this weight on the head tho, dont want to be bigger, I look at my small clothes and want to wear THEM!!!!
Hey guys :) CD has gone out the window! All this week we've been having an entirely new room created to have an ensuite, as no upstairs bathroom here. Been having to make bacon sarnies and allsorts for my Dad and his builder friends, so been impossible.

Was desperately trying to lose weight in order to go dress shopping, but the dress I wanted went into the shop a week ago and I went to see it yesterday. Didn't fit, as it's a 12, but loved it, so have ordered it. Am now going to eat healthily and exercise. Just cannot do CD - had too many restarts. Always get lured back by the promise of quick losses, but struggle to stick with it and it was really getting me down.
Will see how I get on with trying to be healthy without it. Would like to lose around 60lbs. Have just over 37 weeks till wedding. Think 1.5-2 week loss is achievable especially if I am exercising, as I will tone up then as well. Am just making myself utterly miserable trying to be thin immediately!

Hope everyone else is okay xxx
Hey hun, i've just said a similar thing in my journal..! how weird, was making myself crazy again...back to eating normally and gymming again now...ahh feels much better!
Hope you are feeling good about your choice too hun.
Sounds like the house stuff is going well too!

have a fab weekend hunny
Thanks Lelly :) it's tough isn't it. I get to the point where I'm sick of thinking about it. Think with me I really need to give the alcohol a miss. Had Parents round for Sunday dinner last night....lots of wine and so have been bad today!

I know what I need to do, but just need to start. BF talking about joining a gym and it makes me feel insecure. He is not happy with himself (he is not big, small in fact, but wants to bulk up and tone) and is doing something about it.
Tomorrow is another day. Have noticed that I am feeling crap about myself completely - not doing nails, not bothering to straighten hair, can't remember last time I did a fake tan etc etc. So have just painted my nails and it has made me feel a bit happier...simple thing :) Hope everyone reading is happy today xxx
Today has been much more positive. Got up early and did 20 minutes on cross training at level 8. Was sweating a lot. Weighed myself this morning and am up 14 stone 4. I was 15 stone 11 or something right at the beginning of my journey and got to 11 stone 2. So I have put on over 3 stone. Time to face reality or I'll keep getting bigger.

Going to track food and exercise on here to help me:

Half banana and a choc mint shake after exercise
Banana snack at 10am
Low fat chicken caesar salad at lunch
Innocent smoothie drink

Not sure what I'll have for dinner, but that has kept me stable all day in terms of no hunger pangs. Trying to eat regularly and also eat only when hungry (after reading Lelly's diary).

Going to do cross trainer again tonight whilst I am in the mood. New shampoo arrived and going to do a tan later and redo nails. Need to start feeling good about myself again :)
Had some chicken and mushrooms (reminded me of my SS+ days!) and then, after it had settled, went on xtrainer for 20 mins again. Shattered. Had hot choc mint shake.
Running low on shakes, so will get in touch with CDC even though am not doing CD. They really help me. Not sure if I'll be hungry later or not, but am just going to eat if I am. That stops me obsessing and eating when I'm not hungry
Still feeling good today. Went on xtrainer first thing, followed by choc mint shake done warm. Then got ready, using nice new shampoo :)

Then had a glass of fruit juice before heading off to work. Had a small bowl of soup and a banana as a snack throughout day - soup I made last night with parsnips, carrots, celery, leaks, bacon, lentil and beans. Was quite filling - had it before proper lunch as was going out with client and didn't want to be so hungry that I ate badly. So had omelette with a few chips and a salad. Then had a shake when I got in followed by tuna, prawn and egg with some salad leaves.

Not hungry which is good. Didn't do xtrainer tonight as Dad still here with friend doing ensuite and didn't leave till late.

Apart from food I had a good day today - bought a beautiful necklace that I've had my eye on. It's incredibly ornate and elaborate, which is not like me as I don't normally bother with any jewellery. Had to show BF, even though I might wear it on wedding day. However, got a wedding to go to in 2 weeks and love it so much that I may wear it then.
Sitting down to Gossip Girl and then early night with Grazia :)
Woke up shattered, so no xtrainer. Dad is still here with his builder and electrician friend, so unlikely to go on tonight either.

Food wise I've had a choc mint for breakfast, a banana, 2 pieces of chicken, an atkins bar then for dinner (because the kitchen is covered in building materials and I can't get to anything) I've had a choc tetra and another choc mint.

Not hungry which is good. Cannot wait till all the building work is done. The house is a complete heap, and we can't get to things. Hopefully by the weekend lots will be finished.
Enjoyed my relaxed approach to food right now and feeling quite sane still. Got house back finally!!!! Just spent 2.5 hours cleaning after Dad and his friends left. Have the ensuite, but can't use it as floor grout is drying...roll on tomorrow. Looks lovely, so pleased.

BF late in, so am sat alone with a glass of red - that I poured at 5pm and have only just taked a sip of because I got caught up in housework.

So, food wise today has been interesting. I am still successfully staying off bread, although that doesn't mean I've been healthy, but it's a big step forward for me.

Had shake for breakfast - choc tetra. Then went to see a client today, at Belvoir Castle and OMG that is THE most impressive building I have ever seen. We had a wonderful time - took a colleague with me. We even had our own person owl display and I got to stroke the owl, who was beautiful. If you ever get chance, please please trust me and go there. We're now planning to go there for our work Xmas do, as they have a special event in December.

Anyway, I digress. We were there for 3.5 hours so starving afterwards and went to a pub. I had scampi and chips following by chocolate lumpy dumpy, which was as it sounds ;) mmm

So, am not hungry at all now having eaten all that. Also have my xtrainer back now that no workmen in the way, so will do a few sessions this weekend.

Hope everyone, lurking or active, is happy and well :) xxx
Sooo glad you are enjoying your current approach, doesn't it feel better! Glad your house is shaping up nicely, ensuite...nice!

i'm just back from my niece's 1st birthday, small slice of birfday cake too yum.
....can't believe how quick this year has gone!!! n kids were only talking about how many days til xmas last night...eek! don't even want to think about that yet.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend hun!

Hey Lelly, can't beat a bit of birthday cake!!! I am a bit of a cake fiend lol.

This week has been quite busy with work and then problem with laptop - hard disc broken, so been offline. Sorted now thankfully. Was lost without it!
Hope you're well Lelly and having a good week xxx
Hi hun,

All good with me thanks! having a very busy week so far! and another busy day today, plus my kids are being christened on Sunday so got family staying over and we're going out for sunday lunch afterwards, so that'll be nice.

Hope all is well with you too hun! Have a fab weekend

Not been on for ages, as went on holiday to Cornwall for a long weekend for a wedding and to see friends. Then just got out of the habit!

Am reducing carbs again and using CD shakes to help, but not on any particular programme. I am seeing a new lady because we've moved and this one was closer. She's not weighing me or anything.

It's working out really well so far. My mood, as always when I cut down on carbs, is so much more stable and I'm not hungry at all. I am beginning to think that for long term health and weight loss this is the best way of eating for me because as soon as I have carbs my appetite spirals out of control.

So, I've generally been having either a shake or an omelette for breakfast, or both if I fancy it. Then a prawn or tuna salad with mayo for dinner. Then either a shake (because some day I just haven't been hungry) or some protein and vegetables in the evening. Last night I had a chicken curry with loads of veg and am only slightly missing potatoes, rice and bread! I like the benefits so much though.

My spots are disappearing really quickly, no longer bloated and don't feel so emotional all the time. Once I get to where I want to be I will integrate things like sweet potatoes and rice, but I don't want to throw myself off track if they set me on a binge.

Just had a 2 egg omelette, with about 20g of cheese (not because I'm being saintly, but because we ran out of cheese!) and going to have a shake now as well.

Then off to Tesco for food shopping. Best friend and her fiance are coming over at lunch time so that we can go bridesmaid dress shopping. Busy day ahead
Never known this place to be so quiet :(

Going great guns on this no carb eating, although still have CD shakes, which do have some carbs. Am feeling so stable emotionally so started reading into the relationship between carbs and depression and anxiety. They seem to be closely linked.

Just done a spreadsheet and worked out that I only have to lose 2lbs a week until my wedding day to get under 10 stone. Doesn't seem like too tough a job considering I'm never hungry on this diet.

Just started adding in some arms exercises as want them to be super toned on the wedding day. Need to get into the habit of going on cross trainer again as well, as that will really speed things up and make me feel more healthy as well.
Have decided to go over and introduce myself on the Atkins board. I don't think being here on maintenance is helping much. I also think that regardless of how much weight I lose I will never be able to go back to eating simple carbs. Don't know how I'll get on with complex carbs, as not going to introduce them for a while, but am utterly convinced that I've been hypoglycemic and the insulin has created the feelings of anxiety, depression, hungry, shakiness etc. I'm actually really glad that I've been reading into this. It's a lot easier to know that I need to avoid bad foods for medical reasons rather than just to lose weight.
So hopefully the people on the Atkins board will have lots of hints and tips to make a carb free life fun.
Hey Liz,

Yes its too quiet here for daily support it i think...glad you have found something that is working for you hun. Good luck with this approach
Hey Lelly, yep, only ever seems to be us two and only occasion people pop in. Hope you're getting on well and thanks for the best wishes. xxx

I have been maintaining for years now, making sure I don't regain too much of my 10st loss before taking serious action.

Maintenance is the long haul. Not everyone can keep the weight off because as we know it can be an uphill battle. I too will have to watch my carb intake forever. I can't tolerate sugars and starches in the way that others seem to be able to - I get cravings and the overwhelming urge to binge. Even low GI food can affect me in this way. So I accept that a healthy body weight and overall mood and health improvements depend, for me, on low carbing.

That doesn't make it easy! I am a carb addict and always will be. But maintaining my losses means a much happier life so I have to go on working at it.

Good luck in all you do!
Hey Girlygirl - what an amazing loss! Well done. It's funny isn't it how some people are so much more affected than others.
Thanks for taking the time to reply :)