Longgggg Time Off! D-:


Silver Member
Hello! Well, it has been a couple of years (or at least, I think it has!) since I last used this site for dieting. Long story short- a tough time with my ex caused me to go about weight loss the wrong way, I lost loads, I fell off the wagon, and after ditching him I am now ready to start afresh (albeit, a few stone heavier!!!). I tried the ProPoints diet, but really struggled with the points, and found myself staying the same, or even putting on weight. I'm undecided what has caused this, but either way, I definitely had the best losses on the Discover plan, so this is where I'll be starting again. I don't have any points stuff, but I do still have a calculator!

I'm sure you'll be there to give the same support as I received the first time around. ^_^ Here's to a new, and definitely successful, start!
Welcome back :) im doin the good old points system too and its fab its the only thing that ever worked for me and ive tried everything!ive just came off Cambridge diet after losing 18lbs ln a month but its so restrictive only milkshakes,soups be bars.dont get me wrong i was grateful for the kick it gave me.i was craving food and decided2try slimming world,sounds fab but way too much cooking for me and i think i could easily over eat on it.by sounds of things pro points sounds identical to slimming world now.so i got onto ebay and got a new calculator and starter pack .i love the old points system!am combining it with doing the 30day shred dvd.you should check it out its fab! As i say ive the whole starter pack so if u ever need any help with anything feel free to message me.good luck x x
I did SW about four years back, and I lost about 12lbs in all, in the year I went. I definitely like to eat! I bought the 30 Day Shred a few months but back haven't actually got round to doing it. Oops! I hope this time round I'll do better!