Looking for a buddy on shake that weight

It's my sisters bday and I've just bought her a massive fresh cream cake that's sitting in my fridge right now. It's my absolute fav cake ever. We always go to this baker for family occasions. I don't know whether to laugh or cry! !
Aww no that's torture.

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Two slices of pizza and chips.
...does that count as a healthy low fat, no carb meal?

Thought not. Managed to resist the cake tho. Yay me. Back on it tmrw though!
Pizza n chips is a diet of sorts
1 cheat meal turned into 3 days of cheat meals. Do not know why I did that as it's now probably ruined my weight loss for the whole week.
I was doing so well too. I hadn't had a single bit of food for 3 weeks!!
Starting over today and no more cheats. I want to get to my goal weight as quickly as possible and it's just not going to happen if I keep stopping along the way.

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Oh no! Never mind, the best thing to do is exactly what you're doing - getting right back on it. Are you doing total replacement? no food at all would be too hard for me. The smell of my hubby's breakfast made me so sad this morning!!!
Yes I'm doing total replacement as it's easier for me just to not have food at all. As I have seen I can't just have a small bit I have to go over the top.
I can make everyone's food and I'm
not that bothered. Just need to get back into that mindset.
Planning on doing another week -10 days before adding a small meal x

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That's what u call willpower!! I can cut out junk food snacks, but not meals!
I have to give this diet up. I emailed the customer services about not being able to drink water and she said it might damage my liver and that I wouldn't lose a lot of weight without drinking the required amount. Atm it's just not possible for me to drink a lot. So it seems pretty pointless to carry on. I'm gna go back to eating healthy, cutting out the carbs a bit more too. And doing an exercise DVD every night when little ones asleep. Will try to get back onto stw after my op.
Aww that's a shame. You really do need the water stops constipation too. Can you not try and drink 1 glass an hour or something I find that really helps me.
I also drink a pint of water straight after my shakes x

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No, because I can't pass it I can only drink sips. A glass (even half) of water an hour is too much for my body to handle. I get stomach aches cos I can't wee properly.
On the upside am signing up to the gym tmrw morning so hopefully am bothered to go!
Aww that's a shame. You could still use your shakes alongside healthy eating just replace one meal or something that way your still reducing calories but getting a lot of water intake from food too.
Good luck x

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Hi ladies, I'm starting shake that weight on Tuesday, I've started and stopped so many times it's ridiculous but I'm getting married in July and desperately want to be slimmer. I have my wedding cake tasting tomorrow or I'd start then but for the same of 1 day I might as well make sure our cake is nice lol. The shakes are ready and waiting I'm going to order some bars aswell. How are you all doing? X
I am on week 3 had a slip up this week and put on 1lb and I'm so disappointed in myself. Must try harder!!
Defo have the cake first. Then start. x

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I'm back to it today ladies. Had last week off plan and put on 4lb so I'm back to the shakes and soups. I'm determined this time to so at least 3 weeks solid. Want some really good losses to kick start me into healthy eating.
That's not a bad gain for a week at all. I'm gonna go for 2 weeks SS and then think about adding a small meal. But I want to try and lose 7lbs before that x

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Hi all. Can i join you? I had a week off plan to try and see if i could eat healthily and boo put on 3lbs. I cant seem to control my eating habits with normal food yet so back on the shakes as well. 1 day done and complete. Another glass of water to go. xx
You will always put a little on going off plan as soon as your body has carbs water weigh will come straight back. 3lbs is not bad at all.
I am going to try to get 5lbs below target weight to allow for the inevitable weight gain x

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Hi everybody
I started VLCD on Sunday. It's my fifth day today and have lost 4 lbs. Is that good or bad? Am not sure.
My weight loss consultant told me that the weight you lose in the first three days before ketosis is your water and glycogen weight. And that this weight comes back when you resume regular eating. So technically, the fat loss happens only after you're in ketosis.
Let's see how it goes from here. Three shakes a day and lots of water for me now for the next couple of months. I am nervous.
Would love to be part of this group. Need all the support I can get.