Looking for a buddy on shake that weight

Thanks Martine. Good luck to you too :)
Starting again
Day 1 100% done

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Day 2 100% done and am down 4lbs on last week. You can turn a mistake around so quickly on this diet x

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Cheated!! So I'm back on day 2 100% so far x

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Lost 1lb from last week so far x

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Hey guys, I just come across this diet online as an alternative to Lipotrim which I'm currently on.

I'm having 2 shakes a day on Lipotrim and it's about 650 calories a day I think.

With shake that weight, how many shakes a day are you guys having? How many calories per day? Thanks!

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It depends what plan you are on. You can have either 4 shakes (or any STW product) or 3 shakes and a meal is how they advertise it.
I tend to have 3 shakes a day.
Guess what...I'm starting a fresh from today!
I have a meal out on Fri and family events at the weekend, so will prob just eat sensibility over the weekend but at least I'm making a start and sticking to it this week.
How are you doing this week?
I am starting afresh from today after a planned day off yesterday but in a little twist as I'm a serial daily weigher the scales are going away.
For 4 weeks I'm not going to weigh in and really hope for at least an 11lb loss a stone would be amazing and make me only a few lbs from goal.
I'm going back to SS with 2 planned meals that I'm going to keep as low carb as possible. If I reach my 11lb goal I will move up the steps pretty quickly and start some exercise to start getting toned up x

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is this thread still going lol can I join I usually do cambridge diet lost 45lb in 14 weeks did well and maintained for over a year but went a bit mad and gained 2 stone bk in 10weeks I got shake the weight shakes as cheaper than cd only on day one today hoping to make it till the end of the week and I've got over my carb addiction lol x
Hi Devlin.
I'm still trying to get back into it. Starting again today. Want to lose another 10-14lbs.
Keep slipping up. It's so annoying coz I was so focused on the beginning.
How are you doing? x

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yey I'm going well now thanks I joined cambridge diet page on Facebook it's a bit more active lol iv got 14 lb left to lose desperate to do it before it gets really warm lol x