Looking for a Shred Buddy!

RebekahR said:
I been doing shred a week alongside gym sessions, am loving it so far. Might not like level two so much!!

Do the circuit again at gym with heavier weights . Enjoying so far!

Wow wish I was that fit lol
Well done Mrs!!!!!!
bulldogdaisy said:
Level one completed :0)

Yeh you... Got my weights today and like an idiot I brought them then ended up carrying them around with me for 2hrs while going around the shops .. Lol x
sookie said:
Yeh you... Got my weights today and like an idiot I brought them then ended up carrying them around with me for 2hrs while going around the shops .. Lol x

Lol extra work out for you then! Glad you got them :0) where did you get them in the end?
Sports direct... Well chuffed... Bye bye soup tins. Can't wait to hear how you get on with level 2. X
Glad you could get them there,what ones did you get? I have a set of 1kg,1.5kg and 2kg.Will be reporting in tomorrow lol
1kg nice and pink.. They do a set online was hoping they would have them in the shop but no... Good luck tomorrow.. X
Well day one of level two done,feels like i'm starting all over again which is good I guess lol,bit useless with the walking press ups and did the modified plank work and no weights with the sit ups but managed it all so I'm happy :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Thanks Sookie..I like your brother Jason btw lol where are you up to on level one now?

My mum has called me sookie for my whole life so why name me Sian I don know.. Did day 6 this morning, with the weights and I sure noticed the difference... Are there jumping jacks in level 2 ??? Hate them with a passion x
Aww sweet nickname,Mums lol bless em! You are doing well then! That's good you can see a difference with the weights! Yup jumping jacks but only right at the beginning !
Fantastic... It was only today that my calfs didn't hurt while doing them... Probably make them hard work as I'm cussing while doing them. X
Think we all have bits we don't like,over the years I've never liked lunges and there's even more on level two,boo lol
I don know... Will check tomorrow while doing them, that's if I take time out from cussing x