Looking for help


New Member
I have been on Atkins since November. I was in induction until Feb 6, I stick to around 30 net carbs max. I suddenly am gaining, I weigh each morning and night so I know what I am suppose to weigh and I was up 4 pounds this morning and now another 2 from nighttime normal which means I am up 6! I am panicking as I have no idea what could be causing this! Help
First of all - dont panic:)
If your scales have increased in just a day or two it cannot be fat and must be water - so just need to track the reason down. Could be:
Doing extra exercise
Not drinking enough water/liquid (which makes the body store more)
Extra salt leading to water retention
A particular new food that you are intolerant too or sweetners or anything different or to excess

Think very carefully, stick to a clean and green approach, drink plenty of water and it should soon fall off again.
Thank you so much! I do feel very sore from weather changes and have been using painkillers....I worked hard today and drank lots of water....hope tomorrow is better!
I think that certain painkillers can cause you to retain water. I'm not sure which, but I remember reading something about it. It could be that?