Lost 4lbs in a year!!!!!!!!

Leftovers for me this evening. (Never ending falafel syndrome)

Went for a longer walk today and can feel it already. I can tell that I just don't have the muscles that I used to have :( Will need to slowly up the exercise.

I have no idea what my body will look like at target as its about 15 years since I was 10stone and green dress is at least 20 years out of date as it was too small at 9st. I would need to be at most 8st 7lb to squeeze into it. I set my target as a BMI of 25 but I know that at 10st 1lb I am still pretty chubby. My thighs (a bit flabby at the top) and arms aren't too bad but my stomach and boobs are enormous. I'm a bit worried about loose skin on my belly and tucking my boobies in my socks :cry:

Soup of the day, carrot and coriander.

Good luck with the weigh in.
Leftovers for me this evening. (Never ending falafel syndrome)

Ah the falafels are the new carrot and lentil soup I see! It's the oddeest thing about beans and pulses - you can never make little enough of it - always lasts a good 6 meals!!

Loose skin - I feel your pain. Did you have it before after weight loss? I did - I remember my thighs being like semi-deflated water balloons and being a bit "swingy". So ok I'm never going to look brilliant in a bikini but I will feel better and healthier and look better with wobbly loose thighs than big blubbery ones - so it's a trade-off but one I'd rather have.

Thanks for the weigh-in wishes - I think it's back to being a slow mover this week I don't feel any loss. Either way I'm going to do some batch cooking - soup [yes you guessed it .. carrot and lentil!] and make sure I'm getting my SF veg with every main meal at least. Got to get a 21st birthday celebration out of the way Saturday - cava and cake mostly! I'm making cake - Malteser cake I think - eleventy billion syns at least! :eek:
No, but I was a lot younger and I got heavier this time. Plus I've noticed changes in my skin, since about 45, it's dryer and wounds etc take a lot longer to heal and my thighs weren't at all flabby before that. I am destined to have a double chin as it's genetic, even skinny daughter has a wee one. I can live with that and a bit of loose skin but having lots of it scares me. I don't even know why as I don't think I'm particularily vain and I'm doing this for the sake of my health and fitness, not what I look like. I have no desire to wear a bikini. Probably watching embarrassing fat bodies is to blame.

On a lighter note the falafels are really nice. The recipe says serves four but I'll get 5 or 6 meals out of them! So a lot of green days for me. My freezer is full!!!

I was almost tempted by £1 bags of Thornton's chocs but looked at the calories. I can eat one small bar of chocolate but I can't eat one chocolate, I need to eat the bag. I can eat one small bag of maltesers but I can't eat the same amount out of a box! So well done stopping at 4 celebrations and please under no circumstances give me the recipe for malteser cake, even if I beg.:wave_cry:
I think the term "embarrassing fat bodies" says it all really. Just another way to condition people to feel crap about themselves for not looking taut and flat-bellied. We're never satisfied are we really? Self-acceptance and satisfaction is so so hard - even if primary goal is health and fitness we all want to feel good in our own skin.

I've got terrible varicose/visible veins from my dad's side that'll be there even when slim, so I'll still be covered up in summer and legs will never be on show, so in some ways losing weight won't make much difference to some things - but I'll be quiet happy in short sleeved t-shirts so there's always a flip-side.

Pleased to say I lost 1.5lb so now just over my half stone - dead chuffed !:banana dancer: <--- Actually a spooky likeness of me in fruit form!

Now I've just got to make not 1 but 2 Malteser cake - and no I won't give you the recipe ... virtual slices for you missy!

ps I have added brown rice to my shopping list - I'm definitely making that pilaf you posted up a few days ago ... I'm thinking it might cancel out the cake seeing as they're polar opposites ...
Oh well done. 1.5 is ideal and 0.5 st is more than it sounds.

I walked to my m and d's with their shopping today and it felt like it weighed a ton, I was struggling through the park with it when I realised that I was carrying 2 of the same bags that I use as fat bags and I'm onto my 3rd fat bag. So the shopping weighed less than I've lost!!!

Talking of bananas!!!!!!!!! I got a banana case off the internet so I'm now a professional banana carrier.

Like the idea of brown rice cancelling out cake. Sure your right. Wasn't it on the sw website?
2lb for me this week. No weigh in next week as I 'm going to Edinburgh for half term. Eating all meals out for 3 days. I've decided to flexisyn 75 syns a day. It may be difficult to include 1/3 sf so considering red just for the 3 days but not sure.
Congratulations bb - 2lb off is excellent! I'm not sure the tortoise ticker is applicable now ... bring back the hare! You sound like you've a plan for next week - it's you in control so fit the meals to suit. Certainly I don't do one-third SF with all my meals - predominantly my evening meals but not always - so as long as you keep portions reasonable and SW as much as possible I'm sure you'll do well.

My malteser cake was a disaster!! Not in taste but I broke one half and then the icing/frosting just split and pushed the cake apart - it was like iceburgs in the Antartic breaking apart! :eek: I only had half an hour to the party so had to abandon it. Unfortunately it's meant it's been waiting in my kitchen for my brother to come have the lion's share of it. I have had some yesterday and today as it is truly delicious - also have a big box of open maltesers so feel I'm surrounded by cake.
I also made a caramel and almond swedish cake which work has voted delicious so my baking stops now - at least until end of March.

I'm making chicken soup for dinner though - leftover chicken from yesterdays roast so will add lots of chunky veg. Tomorrow I'm making your rice pilaf so damage limitation for me this week.
Step away from the cake!

Try some zumba instead. I've been practising 'crumping' while I'm cooking. I don't have much bounce in my step but boy can I jiggle!!!

I'm sure I'll be fine while I'm away. Looking forward to it. As long as I can get a sts next wi I'll be happy enough.

Eating what's in the house this week is more of a challenge. So many apples, so little time.
Maybe I should Zumba away from the cake rather than just stepping! What is crumping? Sounds a bit painful but if you can do it whilst cooking I'm in!

I'm sure Edinburgh will be wonderful - I'd love to go myself. How come you've so many apples in the house? All the usual choices like pie and crumble are perhaps not the best choice to use up but you could make apple sauce and freeze if you don't want to eat it straight away? Good swirled in yogurt with a bit of added cinnamon and also again defrosted and heated with some star anise and nutmeg to go with some roast pork. Else you best get munching quick smart :D

I've just literally booked our summer holiday to Lagos in Portugal for end of July so really do have to stop nibbling at cake and being over lax with the syns. I might even consider giving up chocolate, cakes and sweets over Lent for an added boost - see how the mood takes me but for now I want this to be the first holiday I've ever had where I'm not fat, swollen and uncomfortable and will actually take holiday pics with me in them rather than just scenery. A tangible date goal to work towards :).

Better get crumping eh!
This is crumping

Marge Simpson crumping. The Simpsons. FOX - YouTube

kind of.

I found a holiday pic of me at my biggest at the back of a drawer the other day. I was HUGE!!!

Must say Portugal sounds nice. A very good incentive to lay off the cake and a good excuse to buy some skimpy clothes.

My freezer is so full you've now got to close the door really quickly to stop things falling out of it!!!

I'm trying to eat up the fresh stuff before I go away, so how does cabbage and apple soup sound?
This is crumping

Marge Simpson crumping. The Simpsons. FOX - YouTube

kind of.

I found a holiday pic of me at my biggest at the back of a drawer the other day. I was HUGE!!!

Must say Portugal sounds nice. A very good incentive to lay off the cake and a good excuse to buy some skimpy clothes.

My freezer is so full you've now got to close the door really quickly to stop things falling out of it!!!

I'm trying to eat up the fresh stuff before I go away, so how does cabbage and apple soup sound?

Not so sure about soup but some sort of sauerkraut with them sounds good. Or steamed cabbage with grilled pork chop and lightly grilled apples. nom.
Hound from hell had me running around garden when should have been on school run - she knocked DD2 on her ass getting out the front door and there are sheep in the field next door, and there's been a couple of incidents when she has hopped the wall to chase them. I'm at the end of my tether with her - put her on a long chain but she barks all the time, got an electric collar but she gets past the boundary .... so started day stressed .... had a lovely late breakfast of organic porridge with coconut oil and a tsp of maple syrup in it (bloody gorgeous).
Maple syrup, mmh yummy.

Is hell hound still quite young? They sometimes grow out of it once middle age hits.

She's nearly 2 but don't have the luxury of time & boxers are notoriously daft. Farmer has told me in words of expletive syllables that any injuries/lambs dead and I'm getting the bill .... I know she's only wanting to gallop around with them - but the sheep go out over walls etc & get really stressed.
I had her up with my OH and he lives by the Curragh where there are loads of free roaming sheep but she doesn't bother with them/ is with other dogs/the sheep are much more used to dogs and people - so that plan didn't work.
She behaves great as long as in my eyeline, after that she's like a child with ADHD - she chewed another barbie and emptied a bin in about 10 mins yesterday cos left her in room with DD2 (she was fast asleep on her bed when I left the room).
She gets walked every day and the kids play with her but she is just a ratbag!
Well done on 2lb! I was back at 11 st 11 on Thursday, so gave up .... reined myself in Sunday and was back to 11 st 9 yesterday but I must stop sneaking a weigh in at the gym cos it drives me off the rails.
Malteser soup, how unusual!!

It was the yorkshire pud what done it 13 1/2 syns. It was taking up much needed freezer space and had to be eaten sometime. It took me up to 15 syns and would have been ok but I was feeling piccy and thought an options was a better choice than trying to resist and ending up stuffing my face with 3 curly wurlys. I think I made the right choice but it's a slippery slope.
What's for dinner?

I'm having steak with a peppercorn sauce, roasted red peppers, courgettes, red onion, a few sw chips and a wee side salad. Looking forward to it.
Ah yes I always find that too - you don't eat the thing you really want but end up scoffing something else that then ends up being worse. Maltesers instead of cake for me.

Dinner sounds lovely - can't remember the las time I had a nice piece of steak. How do you make the sauce? I always think of peppercorn sauce as being really creamy. Funnily enough I did have soup! We had roast chicken dinner the other day and I made a really nice chicken, veg and noodle soup which made 4 very generous portions. This aint making up for the excess Maltesers of course!

I've decided to give up chocolate and desserts ie cake over the Lent period - simply as a good way to curb my current chocolate habit. On the plus side - I haven't eaten any more Celebrations .... even though there are still the ..... yes you guessed it Malteser ones left!
The peppercorn sauce was one I got off here and was a little bit odd but passablish. It's a knorr beef stockpot, onions, peppercorns and fromage fraise. I added some water as well and a few too many onions. Hard to make just one portion.

Unfortunately I overcooked the steak a little. I like it medium which is the hardest to get right. Pink, not red, not brown. It went from too rare to too well done in seconds. Too much crumping not enough attention !

All in all not my best effort.:(

Lent is a good idea. Just as long as you don't go mad at Easter!!! I'm imagining a 5 tier Easter cake decorated with cream eggs and chocolate bunnies!!! It's a whole week until lent starts. Easily enough time to finish all those malteser celebrations ?

I've ordered a pedometer from Amazon.


I used to have a cheap one but it was too easy to cheat. A bit like playing wii tennis sitting on the sofa. It has been known!!:eek: