Lots to lose ! Anyone else got lots to lose!

Cheer RRH how's your day going today ya had a good one mwah Xx : )
Evening everyone , Now what is going on here (said with as strong welsh accent) LOL theres stress in the air tonight. Madmazy i got my 2nd weigh in tomorrow too so have a few others i bet you have a loss your just panicking thats all take deep breaths and say after me
"Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act" LOL thats what it says isn't it !! You'lll be fine and if not well we'll face it together ok . say yes mum !! whoops i mean taff LOL . I doubt very much if i have lost anything i have hardly moved been constipated for days because of the tablets so it will be me without a loss if anyone ok . Mind you i did try and swim tonigh and manage 1000 m though it took for ever and i am regretting it now!! good luck we'll be with you all the way!!
madtaff said:
"Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act"!!

Love the quote!! I might make it my daily mantra, Altho it will be said in a slightly less welsh accent as I'm a Gog not a Taff :) x
ahh well thats your problem!! LOL that is actually madmazy's mantra not mine but i do think it's agood one . Have you joined our community yet welshtigger? if not why not?
He he I love that quote I'm sure it's on of Bob Dylans!!

Aww we're all just getting stressed about it but i'm sure we'll be fine!! we need to just relax about it your so right there Madtaff!! swimmings so good for ya!! but maybe drink some green tea to cleanse ya insides a bit! he he no harm in getting that moved before weigh in! ; ) ! Aw RRH again i'm sure you'll be fine if you've been sticking to a know there was nothing more ya could do!! I think we're putting too much pressure on ourselves!! I was sooo confused about a gog and a taff there!! lol so had to ask my gog boyf lol!! now i'm enlightened!! mwah Maz Xx : )
1st weigh in tonight and 6lb down!!!!
Lord knows how -as even though I have been following the diet 100% I had a major disaster on Saturday night when I met a mate and had a fabulous curry and probably a bottle of white wine too, and I was convinced this blip would have ruined everything!!Anyway, back on diet again for tomorrow!!!
Ahh Mad mazy have just googled quote and its by Leonard Cohen! Sorry not Bob Dylan!!
"Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act"

mad taff
@ pickle87 how do you add the photos to your signature? When I try it asks me for a url. Will this change after I have 50 posts?

i uploaded the pics to tinypic first then added the url to my signature hun x
madtaff said:
ahh well thats your problem!! LOL that is actually madmazy's mantra not mine but i do think it's agood one . Have you joined our community yet welshtigger? if not why not?

Well I've obviously joined otherwise how would I have seen this and been able to post lol
Someone said there was stress in the air - and I couldn't agree more!!

Not convinced the scales will reflect what I think was a good week but am sure these things balance out. This is only WI 2 since rejoin and when previously at group I always looked at my weight loss over a 4 week period. That certainly helped keep things in perspective but hard to think like that when you're only at week 2.

Good luck everyone!!

DC xx
Ps - A huge thanks for all the luck and positivity sent my way since my moan last night!! Much appreciated!!
Well good morning , to all except me!! it's official even looking at other's food diaries makes me not loose weight!! LOL Yes i did weigh in and no i didn't loose an oz!!! why am i not killing myself especially after loosing only 3lb in the first week and thinking OMG !! Well to be honest i am not surprised i have had a bad couple of weeks as some of you know i fell in the street flat on my face and chest bruised my ribs (no alcohol) so bloody painful have been on pills for almost 2 weeks hardly moved from sofa so painful just to breath so i am not surprised the pills had a bad effect on my bowel like it said to them shut down don't go!!! Well i am not going to beat my self up , i am just going to get back on that bloody horse and ride like the wind!! I did manage to swim uncomfortably 1000 meters last night it took 40 mins which isn't good for me. I am going back to work tomorrow and i am staying on the slimming world diet, and most of all i am going to continue being positive with my diet buddies here. so don't go away please. luv u all taff x
:bliss:pickle87, what a transformation. I bet you are really pleased with your progress. You're a great inspiration to the rest of us.

Well done for keeping on Track DickieChicket. :)

Madtaff, you swam 1km. :8855:Wow, that's amazing. Once you are back to work tomorrow I'm sure you will be focused on that during the day so that will help with keeping you on track. Just think about the next goal you want to achieve weight wise and aim for that. It makes it much more achievable than the whole weight. Perhaps decide on a small (non-food) reward when you make it. You Just tell yourself that you deserve to be xx (your next goal) pounds lighter, and if you feel yourself weaken, repeat that mantra to yourself. Think positive, because we are all sending positive vibes to you to keep you strong. :character00238::character00238::character00238:

:character00238: You can do it. :character00238:
:character00238: You will do it. :character00238:
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not sure if this will work or not.
this is a clearer face pic of how i was


i dont think i have done very well with my weight loss this week though :(
Morning ladies,

Madmazy: You make me laugh LOL Edinburgh is lovely, I had a lazy evening but I'm going to head out and do a bus tour I think. Good luck tonight! Thinking about lunch, might try find out if there is a low syn subway option I can go for.

Caroline: Congrats on the excellent loss!

I have to say, I feel sad I am missing my second weigh in (so no results for me this week).

Good luck Tuesday weighers!! x
Oh madtaff that is disappointing, I have to say but ur attitude is amazing!!! We'll all have weeks where we won't lose and i hope we feel as motivated as u do!!! Well done and there is a consolation in all this and it's u put on none of the weight u lost last week, eventhough I know u've been so good!!! Those painkillers have definitely something to do wit it, sure ur food diaries were perfect each day!! Can't believe u swan 1 km last nite my god I'd barely be able to walk that! Guarantee u'll see a big difference next week, and have a great weight loss!!!
pickle pickle pickle What can i say 100lbs lighter!! You are our inspiration, not lost much this week though Well focus on what you will be like next week!! I can only wish i was 100lbs lighter or at this stage 10 lbs would be good. give us tips pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas!!
Hi Pickle87

I have just seen your pics and think you transformation is an inspiration! I just started yesterday and have been feeling quite down about it as I feel like I have such a long way to go,

Thanks, Nat
Nat little steps big goals , everyone here will help you whether you are feeling hi or low. You can and will succeed don't be down will pick your spirits up and give them a shake!!!