Lots to lose ! Anyone else got lots to lose!

Zaccy said:

I know I am turning up a little late to the party but can I come in and stand in the corner for a bit? I started SW at the beginning of the year and did brilliantly but once the January abstention phase was over I had a week when I gained and got really depressed. I have just over 6 stone to lose and even one little gain really got me down. I thought if I used this forum I might be able to get over setbacks without sabotaging everything.

So basically I am looking for people who understand the ups and downs and can support me whilst giving me a chance to do the same back.

Hope that is okay!

Hi zaccy, I'll be a buddy if you like. Did try to pm you but it wouldn't let me. Jo :)
Morning everyone, how are ye?! I'm goin poxy training this morning wit work, the thoughts of it!! And didn't plan my lunch so don't know wat I'll have
Have had a relatively ok week so hoping to change the no weight loss status of thr last two weeks!!! Fingers crossed!!! I'll actually go insane if I've nothing lost!!!
Yeah i know what you mean!! I have had 2 sts as well,although mine were completely understandable and all my own fault!!
But just weighed in and have lost 3.5lbs this week, was hoping for a little more but still quite pleased with that,at least i'm going in the right direction again.
Good luck to everyone else who is weighing today xx
hey guys, well done on the weight loss for those that have weigh in..cant believe its another week already..time is going so fast.

Well im hoping for a good weight loss this week...at least 3-4lbs...i've done more exercise then usual plus stuck to plan 100%...so come Saturday I WILL BE in the next stone mark lol

How is everyone? xx
Morning everyone, how are ye?! I'm goin poxy training this morning wit work, the thoughts of it!! And didn't plan my lunch so don't know wat I'll have
Have had a relatively ok week so hoping to change the no weight loss status of thr last two weeks!!! Fingers crossed!!! I'll actually go insane if I've nothing lost!!!

I hate work lunches, nasty buffets laden with syns. I usually end up picking ham salad out of sarnies and try to subtly bin the bread! Hope you have some good choices available to you!
I have to go away with work for a few days next week, the nights I'm on my own so will be OK to pick steak and salad but already planning a bag of fruit, alpen lights and other travel friendly food to keep me away from the dreaded lunch time buffet! I need to be extra good as had an Indian takeaway last night - didn't go OTT and it was yummy but need to compensate for remainder of week!
Well done on today's losses (nearly wrote to today's losers but sounded insulting!!), fab results all round!

Hello Zaccy - use these boards as often as you can, they are an absolute mine of information and support and will help keep you on track and pick you back up when you wobble!

Hi Chelle, sounds like you're having a great week on plan. I need to start moving more now. I find it easy to make excuses at this time of year, leaving for work and getting home in the dark but the nights are getting lighter already and I can feel my energy levels lifting with it - only 6 weeks until the clocks go forward - yay!!!

Hope everyone is OK?
hi all,
just been to WI, 2 1/2 lbs off!! very happy, got a new sticker too xx
Hey all not had time to read everything yet....but well done to everyone on the losses woooo every loss is in the right direction and sometimes it's not the worst thing staying the same all our bodies are different so just takes a while for some to get used to it!!

Ekk having a bit of a bad week was a little naughty on thurs and fri but planned on having those as flexible then my flu kicked in with a vengence n haven't been really hungry but have been making myself eat pasta and potatoes etc....not to mention living on lemsips and beechams I dread to think how many of these i've had and i'm not even going to syn them as it will just depress me....my OH was sweet yesterday tho he cooked recipes from the italian cookbook but I could hardly taste...thing was he'd gone for the highest syns eekkkkk even tho i'd planned to have no syns to redeem my flexi ones!! oh well by the way the banana tiramasu was not nice at all bleh!! now i love tiramasu perhaps more than the OH lol but haven't had a spoon since joining SW...ekkk how's everyone feeling tonight??

Mwah Maz xxxx
lare73 said:
hi all,
just been to WI, 2 1/2 lbs off!! very happy, got a new sticker too xx

Well done. That's fab, wat u have off now altogether?!
That's really good then surzy in fairness, 4 notes of nice food and stayed the same, well done u
Surzy that's well good 4 nights out and didn't put on!!that's fantastic!! xx
Well I'm still ill have eaten anything today, feel like I am swallowing sandpaper, throat so sore. Haven't eaten much at all this week, just can't face food, hope I'm better soon. I know I want to lose weight, but this isn't what I had in mind to do it. Hope everyone is well. Good luck to all that haven't weighed in yet.
Well done to everyone for the losses. Havent really got much to say or tell really. Half way through the week for me and my weigh in and everything is going great :)

Exercise is still going good. Im gonna be utter devestated if no decent loss this week so fingers crossed for a good one :)
Hi all. Sorry I have not been on over the last week. The backlight on the laptop died and internet access on my phone isnt the easiest thing in the world for some sites, including this one. I have ended up setting up the media pc with a browser that I had uninstalled so that I can at least log onto here even if its just once per day.

Havent had a chance to look back through all the posts from the last week yet so will say fro now well done to all who have lost weight this week, and if you have stayed the same or added a little bit Im sure you will bounce back from it at your next WI.

Speaking of bouncing back I was able to this week with a 3lb loss. Its only 1/2lb over what I put on last week, but Im ok with it. I went a little off plan on Friday in particular when my daughter had a friend ofr sleepover and it was pizza for tea, couldnt resist the temptation unfortunately. So overall Im happy with the 3lb.

I started back on the Biggest Loser training game on the Wii this week to speed up my weight loss, hoping to see some great results next week at my next weigh in.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hello all, hope you all OK?
I'm sitting at my desk, stuffed from cottage cheese and ham quiche and mango, yummy!
Well done on the losses, and HE I'm glad you've bounced back again as you sounded so down last week, but much more chipper today!
Surzy, you did fab to STS after what sounds like a good weekend!
Amanda, sorry you're still not feeling good, it seems to be hanging around a while. There was a report on the radio this mornign about zinc being proven as beneficial to help cure a cold. I'm trying to think what foods are high in zinc but stumped at the mo!!
Nothing new to report here so see you all later xxx
Re zinc update - just googled it and perhaps go for a zinc supplement instead! Highest sources of zinc include liver and oysters, and although I think both are free on a red / EE day I'm not sure I'd particularly fancy either (or could afford the oysters if I did!!)
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Ello Ello Ello!

Hope everyone is well, sorry for being awol during the week, i make sure i check in my weigh ins but not had time to banter :(

So, i lost 2lbs this week, i'm starting to stray a little, i know i could be doing a lot better.

Hope you are all fine and dandy xx