Lots to lose, let's do this.

I started my diet on 9/1/19 at 13st1lb. I have lost 3lb in the last four days so currently sit at 12st12lb. I am 24 with two children and a wonderful husband. All of my life I have been over weight and I have started lots of little diets over the years with little success.

As I am 5ft1 my ideal weight is 6st12lb-9st4lb. I'm not sure what my goal weight is as I want to see how I look but I think around 9 and a half to start.

I am determined. I am doing a low calorie diet of around a 1000cals a day, all home cooked wholesome foods. I want to ensure I am making atleast 10000 steps a day and am trying to get to the gym 3-4 times a week. Hope this diary will keep me accountable :)

Weigh in day is Monday but I am terrible for doing it more often. Here's to a good year!

Jump on over to the Calorie Counting forum if you are looking for some likeminded dieters lol.

You sound like you have some realistic goal to smash and a lovely little family too. Best of luck x
I love reading all of the threads as others motivation really seems to speak to me, if they can do it so can I!

You seem to have very realistic goals as well, you're going to smash it.

Good luck to you too x x
Thank you.

Slow and steady wins the race, calorie counting and a high protein diet works for me and is something I can maintain post WL. For me its all about making long term good habits and ones that can carry me into the future. Otherwise the weight just creeps back I find. My goal might go down to 68/69 by Xmas, but I would like 72 by mid June - family holiday to Thailand.

Age is not on my side, I'm 40, so really wanting to be get my weight under control now that my kids are getting older (4 and 6).

Top work on your initial loss too! Im thinking WI day will be a Sunday that way I might stay more motivated over the weekend?

I completely agree with you. I tried exante back in Sept and although I completely applaud the people that can stick with it and get amazing loses I just don't have the will power to do it. I too want to make lasting changes and would like my family to have a good variety of foods that are healthy and full of all the good stuff! My big problem is munching in the evenings, cutting that out will do me the world of good.

Oh Thailand sounds lovely and I imagine you will get down for it, you've given yourself a good amount of time.

40 is nothing! My mum (51 this year) has lost a stone in the past 6-7 weeks so I wouldn't worry!

A Sunday weigh in is a great idea, the weekends are always hardest for me, change in routines and all that x x
So it's my actual weigh in today, I'll update later today, would love anther lb but am happy with the three I have had.

Both kids in school today so will be doing gym and swim with my mum and between school runs and going to the gym aiming for my 10000 steps today.

I hope every one has a good day x x
Hopefully a great day thus far, focused and smashing those steps!

I agree, hats off to the TFR diets! I'd love to, but tried a couple and couldn't fully commit or gained when I finished, over time.

How were the scales, kind?
Well I'm not quite sure, I was up to 12.13 but my body fat has come down so I'm hoping a muscle gain? How is your day going? I'm at 8000 steps with a school run left to do so should make it! X x
I always have to google the conversion for Stones lol

Fluid might also be playing a role, try and up your water too. Did you make to the 10K steps?
I really do need to try harder with the water, I'm terrible for it, how much do you generally drink? Yeah I got the 10000 at the end of the school run so yay :)

Did you have a good day yesterday? X x
I find drinking a large bottle of sparkling water (1.25 ltrs) when I get home from work and aim for 1ltr at work (sometimes this is cold green tea and lemon made the night before). Today has been rubbish for water and I am trying to make up for it now. Yesterday I reached just over 2ltrs, day before was 1.6. Calories yesterday were 1571 and today I have done near on 1350 (very pleased with this), fingers crossed the next two days are like this too!

I had a loss on the scales again today and I am 81.9 :-D
Oh wow you are doing brilliantly! Well done :)
I'm terrible for drinking enough, I need to remind myself I can't live on just tea lol.

Got shopping to do today and a double school run due to an after school club for one of my littles so I'm hoping to reach my steps today. I hope you have a good day x x
Decided to do my measurements, thought they might help with low loss weeks if I can see cm coming down.


Might have to think about doing my measurements to, its a great motivational tool. Particularly on the weeks you STS, you can reflect and see how many cm's you've lost.

How old are your little ones again? Mine are 4.5 and 6.5. Evie and Flynn.
Might have to think about doing my measurements to, its a great motivational tool. Particularly on the weeks you STS, you can reflect and see how many cm's you've lost.

How old are your little ones again? Mine are 4.5 and 6.5. Evie and Flynn.
I think it would be a good idea, a little disheartening at first but hopfully our numbers will get smaller and then at goal we can really see just how much we have lost!

I have two aswell, quite similar ages. Faith who has just turned 6 who is my mini me and William my little boy who will turn 4 come April, He goes to big school this year! I'm not looking forward to it x x