Lovely FREE Pasta Bake


Gold Member
So last night after group I was starving, and looking for something warm and hearty to fill me up. I didn't have a lot in the cupboards, so thought I'd experiment and see if I could come up with a nice pasta bake type dish.

I added pasta to a casserole dish, until it was about 1/3rd of the way full. I used wholeweat pasta, but any pasta would be great.

I then chopped a red onion and a couple of chicken breasts into pieces, and fried them off in FryLight. Once the onions were softened and the chicken was browned, I added a full carton of Passatta, a teaspoon full of chopped chilli, and a teaspoon full of garlic, and stirred. I let the mixute bubble away.

Once the sauce looked ready, I poured it over the pasta. It looked a lot thicker than I'd hope, so I boiled the kettle and added the boiling so that the pasta was covered and gave it a stir. I then added chopped peppers and sweetcorn to the dish, and gave it another stir so that it was all mixed in.

Then pop a lid on the cassorole dish and place in the oven. It took about 20 minutes or so, after which I removed the lid, added grated cheese (HExA) and placed back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

I served it on it's own, as it was packed full of SuperFree, but it would be lovely served with salad/vegetables too. It's a very simple recipe, but it might be handy for those who want to make something quick but yummy.

Enjoy xx
Oh this sounds gorgeous and the sort of thing I love eating.