low weight loss

And neither did you div hunny xx
I didnt feel she did either at me, but I was worried I had upset her, by suggesting she might find it helpful!
No hunny she just didn't know why you thought she needed it it's all good we all support each other it's the way it works xx
chicken on a mission said:
Ive tried explaining, i can see how those of us with huge losses can be completely demoralising to those who don't. They actually have the advantage in fat loss. I give up. I was not being detrimental as, as I clearly tried to point out, I'm one of those too who had dramatic first week losses.

This will also mean I have a tendency to carry more glycogen and water that needs to be topped up on the refeeding process which makes that process even more important to get right and do in a structured way.

Given your attitude and strong posts ranting against the things that drew me to my chosen VLCDs involving my need of support and counselling I think you are a complete hypocrite as you most certainly have been detrimental about the support and counselling offered by some. You were utterly touchy and rude about support when it was suggested how you might gain from it. Given how you haunt the VLCD section of minimins I feel this board is unwelcoming to anyone who dares to have an opposing view to yours and I'm sorry I bothered to look back into the forum after a long break as this certainly isn't the board I remember from when I joined.

I really think you need to look to yourself and why you have the need to feel so self important and right all the time. A candidate for counselling if ever I saw one so wake up to yourself. Pot, kettle, black!!! Difference is that my post was meant lightheartedly and about something I have personal experience with, and you......

I have never seen any post on here which is so damn rude in my life

I was in no way touchy at the suggestion about counselling. I was puzzled as to why Divster thought I needed it when I was so focused just now. As for haunting VLCD boards. How rude!!!! As a moderator I have to keep an eye on ALL sections. Something which can be difficult at times especially when you're on a VLCD and you have to spend time on SW and WW. At least no post I've EVER made has been anywhere near as rude as your post

I'm sorry you came back to the forum too if this is your attitude. Your posts are neither helpful nor supportive. Not even sure what you mean by your last sentence as I can see nothing light hearted about you've said
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For what it's worth - I have always found Starlights posts helpful, supportive, and encouraging. She seems to be the fountain of all VLCD knowledge :)
The person who posted that about fannying around really got to me and whether we are best friends or simply here as a poster we should ALL be supported big loss little loss no loss or even a fail we are all in this together and if there's one bad apple in the bag it will spread to others for some the big first loss was all that kept them going onto the next few weeks so to say something so detrimental is absurd what if they now think oh well big loss first week then a small second and give up because they now think that the first week doesn't count?
Having read through this thread I can honestly see where everyone is coming from, I just thought I should maybe add that I can actually see where Chicken was trying to be helpful in her original intent (though I didn't agree with the attack on Starlight), possibly as I have a similar sense of humour.

Thing is, it's just very important on a forum or indeed anywhere on the internet to remember that sometimes things like sarcasm or a very dry sense of humour can come across as really unfriendly when there is no tone of voice or facial expression to help express the intent of a statement, just the words on a screen. Something we should all be mindful of if we don't want to upset people.

Don't yell at me, I'm Switzerland :D
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rainbow brite said:
Having read through this thread I can honestly see where everyone is coming from, I just thought I should maybe add that I can actually see where Chicken was trying to be helpful in her original intent (though I didn't agree with the attack on Starlight), possibly as I have a similar sense of humour.

Thing is, it's just very important on a forum or indeed anywhere on the internet to remember that sometimes things like sarcasm or a very dry sense of humour can come across as really unfriendly when there is no tone of voice or facial expression to help express the intent of a statement, just the words on a screen. Something we should all be mindful of if we don't want to upset people.

Don't yell at me, I'm Switzerland :D

Lol! Luv your last sentence!!
Teeheeheeheehee *shuffles away innocently*
Someone mentioned in this thread about cold being a ketosis symptom, is that right? I'm on day 5 of total and have been so cold since day 3......something I never suffer with. This is the first time I've done a vlcd
It's definitely true - there's even a blinkie to prove it :D


But yeah, I have my heating full blast, living in my fleece pyjamas and snuggie when at home and go to bed with 3 hot water bottles... :/
Thanks for confirming, I'll have to invest in a hot water bottle as hubby's moaning about my stone cold feet, ha ha.

What's a blinkie???? Am I being thick?? :)
Exactly, Starlight! :D

Tracey - blinkies are just those little animated pictures that some people have in their signatures, like the one of the Tatty Teddy I put in my last post :)