
Aww thats so good to hear crooked smile and its true ... you will get there and its all part of lifes complicated tapestry that makes us the wonderful people that we are.
Kakabubbles step away from the truffles this minute and close your eyes and remember that sinking feeling when you were asked when you were due? Now open them and honestly say if eating those truffles are worth it or rather bump into that person again in 6 months and have her say...Kakabubbles you are Kowabunga!!!!!xMariax
Hey hope everybody is feeling bright and happy today! I'm new to this site and I keep getting reputation comments? I didn't know anything about it or who some of them were from but they were lovely and made me feel great, thank you so much.
Ha! Thanks Maria, I stayed away from the truffles. I couldn't eat anything today if I wanted to, has anybody else had this? It's like a kind of cramping/growing pain? I've got it in my stomach and down my arms and I've put on a couple of lbs even though I've been super good. It's not TOTM and I feel weird. Yuck... my stomach and arms better not be growing bigger lol that's what it feels like though. And I had pains in my chest last night. Oh dear I'm falling apart!
Since I'm so optimistic these days... I may be ill but hubby is coming home early to look after me, yay! That's a good day overall.
Hi kakabubbles , are you taking any herbal tablets for anything? as your symptoms sound exactly what |I went though about a month ago as I took some herbal Fybromyalgia tabs and the pains i got in my joints and chest were awful, it took a while before I twigged it was the tablets and they took a few days before my system cleared but god I felt awful.Hope you are feeling better soon and to all who read this I hope youre having a great day ....maria x