Lozzal's third time lucky.

Ahhh yeah that is a really hard part of it! Well done, that can't have been easy. I remember last time trying to find things to to with friends that didn't involve food, alcohol or coffee shops or too much exercise was hard.
After about 2 weeks I really get into it though. I did it for about 4 months in 2016 and lost 3 and a half stone. I remember going to a wedding in the evening and just drinking small glasses of water and it didn't bother me!

I found that if you tell people what you are doing a lot of them will try to talk you out of it or try to get you to eat. A well meaning friend at that time made me plate of toast! So in the wedding I thought if I keep drinking my water from a small glass people assume your having a drink and don't question it.

That's what I like about the bars and packs that come in containers. It doesn't attract the same attention as not eating or shakes do. That's my theory anyway lol!

Loz x
Day 5 today. Still on plan. I was tempted to get weighed today as I feel thinner, but I didn't because I thought I could have good weight loss today. But if that means come Monday, my weigh in day, if there is not much difference to today, I will be disheartened. As I don't want to do anything to demotivate myself I decided not too. Not worth jeopardizing staying on track for a small buzz today!

Plan for today to take the dogs for a good run and hopefully start some exercise or squat challenge.

Loz x
ahh yes I remember people doing that too!! its unkind, and infuriating. Thats a reason i prefer those products too, but in lockdown theres nobody to see so thats good haha.

I dont have scales purely to avoid that temptation ha. I sabotaged myself with weighing so many times before. Theres no point in me measuring frequently because it changes so slowly by comparison lol.

Dont do too much exercise on exante... you dont consume enough calories and protein on VLCDs and if it cant burn fat fast enough, it burns muscle, or your heart and organs... not goooood!
Day 6 today, or maybe it should be Day 1 again!:(

I failed miserably yesterday and had a meal with my family. I also had a few more things as I had failed anyway and a hot lemon before I went to bed because I am full of cold. So that's Ketosis well out of the window.

I am back on track today though and hoping I will still have a loss on Monday.

Loz x
I think only if you burn way more calories than you should. You should basically take walks on low calorie diets. Need more calories and more protein for muscle building.

You didn't fail miserably, you came off plan in an unplanned way which might make it harder to follow, but youre back on plan now. Don't make yourself feel pants. Its hard enough anyway! :)
Day 1 again!

4.5lb loss :D

So I had the weekend of plan but didn't go mad. My daughter talked me into having weekend of as we had Zoom activities planned. I gave in, my fault! I still lost 4.5lb but it could have been much more. Had a nice weekend though.

Back on plan today and determined to stay on track now. I need to do this. I also need to be focused before I go back to work. My first official shift is back on nights next Monday night. But as I resume on Friday there is a real possibility I will have to work the weekend if anybody else goes off.

I'm just going to get the dogs out now. Have a good week everyone!

Loz x
4.5 loss is great!! Good work :) Its hard when family pressure us, but it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Maybe you can stick to meat, dairy and egg if you get convinced in future to stay in ketosis if that makes it more manageable with life? x
Yes we do. We also have to notice our habits though when we're not having 'food' so that we can catch emotional eating (etc) when off plan. So kind to self, but like a caring parent not a friend thats a naughty influence ha
I know we can sometimes make numerous excuses and give ourselves licence to be destructive!

I am going to have 3 packs and a small protein hit each day and hope to stay on the straight and narrow. I think some leafy greens are ok too.

Loz x
Will have a look, thanks.

I've got the most horrible taste in my mouth today and I cant get rid of it. I've brushed my teeth about 10 times!