Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

*peers round the door* "Pooks, Pooks, where are you??" *Strategically places CCTV cameras around room to capture an movement*
Been over a day, maybe she shrunk and fell down the plug hole...
Or she's traided her arms for flippers from a sea witch and can't type anymore, she's just looking at the screen longingly....
..or she saw a fab deal on a florida villa for 10 quid a week, but only on the condition she left within 10 minutes of booking it!...and to forget the plane..and swim there! ;)
Hope they come back with pod news soon.
Aahhhh 'retired' eh Rose?? You mean dragged them back to the castle and chained them up next to Artem? ;)
hee hee, no instead of artem! :)..well until its time to welcome adorable artem back to my..errm..em...castle ;)

seriously Pookie...hope you are okay, please come on just to say hello x..

Everyone start searching... I'm filling the casks to attach to the rescue dogs!


Mind you... It's for spooks, not ya'll! (I've been here too long.)
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It's officially 3 days since you last posted her Pookie. We're all worried about you. Hope that nothing bad has happened to you, Hubby or kids. Xxx
panic not ladies...i've heard from our pookie, she's just busy at the moment!...polishing fireman's poles or making nets for fishermen i suspect ;)

she will try to pop in over the weekend :)

p.s...can i have the chippendale search party visit me instead? I know i'm not lost...but hey, that's just a technicality surely tee hee ;)
No Rose you cannot. Apparently they draw straws to see whose turn it is for the Artem Suite and commiserate with the one who gets the short straw :8855:

Pooks get back in here immediately we haven't got time to waste worrying on a weekend