Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

RainbowRose said:
Thanks Mel :)...just in time for me to leave again!!!..oh well, I'll catch up with her eventually..wonder what she has in her duty free bags for us?

Peut être! I'm probably heading off my neice thinks daddy might get his op op fairly soon. Another pricey last minute flight for me! Sigh!
RainbowRose said:
Thanks Mel :)...just in time for me to leave again!!!..oh well, I'll catch up with her eventually..wonder what she has in her duty free bags for us?

Things to get us drunk and things to make us bliss maybe!? ;)
That will do for starters Squeezy!

Ouch Mel..hope the ticket isn't too ridiculously expensive and your Dad recovers well.

Pookie....hurry up, you might just catch me before I leave tomorrow.....otherwise I'll need to wait a week to hear all about your holiday :)
Pookie -- I put the whole tale together on Tranq's diary and we are now waiting for youthful transgression confessions from you and the others (Rose, Kate and I have fessed up)!
Hi everyone didnt get in till lunchtime today we extended by a couple of days :)

Hope everyone is ok I see Tranqs has gone now and that Rosie is away again I dont know why you dont move to that mainland you spend so much time there ha ha ;)
Will look forward to catching up with you when you get back :)

I have just started to catch up on the diaries so far I havent managed to get out of Kates yet just reading about her new man shes lusting over I started with Kates because its always extensive and the longest to catch up with but I will get round to you all in the next couple of days hopefully then back in the swing of things by weigh day Friday will not weigh till then but know I have got my heffer status back and have got to have gained over a stone easy as I can see and feel it :( what a naughty Pooks :rolleyes:
Pookie 1999 said:
Hi everyone didnt get in till lunchtime today we extended by a couple of days :)

Hope everyone is ok I see Tranqs has gone now and that Rosie is away again I dont know why you dont move to that mainland you spend so much time there ha ha ;)
Will look forward to catching up with you when you get back :)

I have just started to catch up on the diaries so far I havent managed to get out of Kates yet just reading about her new man shes lusting over I started with Kates because its always extensive and the longest to catch up with but I will get round to you all in the next couple of days hopefully then back in the swing of things by weigh day Friday will not weigh till then but know I have got my heffer status back and have got to have gained over a stone easy as I can see and feel it :( what a naughty Pooks :rolleyes:

Welcome back, Pooks! We moved the story started in your diary to Tranqs -- please feel free to jump in!

It's half-term in Scotland, so Rose is off with the wee'un. Tranqs is on her holiday and I'll be flying out on Friday (I think). My dad got his surgery date (Monday).
Hi Ladies

Hope all goes well with your Dad Mel

Kate thats what I love about you your heart and soul goes into your posts dont ever change glad to see youve put yourself back out there hope you find your ideal man very soon

As for me I'm dealing with holiday anti-climax, jet lag and a 3 year old that thinks its perfectly ok to be up playing at 3 in the morning and to top all that I'm back at work this afternoon so life at the moment is poo
Am toying with the idea of going back to swimming tomorrow wether or not I get there is a different matter its so cold here we were in the 89/92 degrees in the states which is high for that time of year in florida it has usually dropped to late 70s early 80s at most by October

Oh well on to the drudgery we call life :(
Hi Ladies

Not many of you around at the moment its getting pretty lonely on here but never mind I'll waffle on anyway as little nobby no mates ha ha ;)

Mel I hope your flight is a smooth one and your trip goes ok and hope your Dads op goes to plan and he recovers well keep us informed if you can please.

I am a bit nervous about weighing in tomorrow I know its gonna be a huge gain :( and it definately means I'll be back in the 15's but the holiday and food was great so I can't complain I did it I now have to just focus on getting it back off before christmas so when I have weighed in tomorrow I will set my Christmas target so I have something to work towards

Weather is crap here this morning well afternoon sorry not been up long jet lag is still a huge problem especially for my little one, it has been piddling down and is nasty so wont be going anywhere until I have to go to work this afternoon

Hope your days a good one :)
Well what a big fat oinker :8855: I knew it was bad but I put on 1 stone 6lbs :eek: thats 20lbs in 2 1/2 weeks Oh dear my bad :sigh: that beats your 17lbs in 6 weeks at christmas Rosie hands down ;) Now I've just got to get it off again How can anyone gain 20lbs in 2 weeks my god it goes on a lot faster than it comes off thats for sure

Oh well I'm back on plan today and cant wait to get it back off again so thats something my whole body just feels bloated
It has also put me in the latter half of the 15's again so thats not such a good feeling I want to be in the 14's again as soon as possible I now need to work out my christmas target to have something to aim for I think I would like to aim to just touch into the 13's so maybe my aim will be 13st 13lbs by december 21st
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Evening Pooks! You'll swim that off by December 21st!

I gained 9 pounds in the three weeks was here in August -- and lost very little of it -- and I'm back again. I'm going to have to be soooooo careful not to add anything. I need to lose about 2 stones at the very least.

Are you going to do a VLCD?
Glad you got there safely Mel

I was beginning to think everyone had done a runner since I'd been away and that you were all hiding from me ;)

No I dont even attempt vlcd I would just get too hungry and then wouldn't stick to it so I'll be going back to doing ww as before but in my past experience if I gain weight very quickly I usually lose it quite quickly if I get straight back on it but I'm struggling at the moment with the cant just pick food up and eat it whenever I want to bit so naughty bits have slipped in now and again but for the most part have been good

When does your Dad have his op?
Morning! Thanks.

Rose has taken wee cherub to the mainland for his break, she should be back on Minis soon.
Kate is still here and has a job interview next Friday for a permanent teaching position that sounds ideal.
Squeezy has a Famiy crisis ATM and is taking a Minis break, but promises to be back when things improve.
Tranqs is on holiday and should be back soon, too.
Auburn is around.
It looks as if JackieN is taking a break post her DD's birthday.

I'm in Florida, but have internet pretty much wherever I go! ;)

I'm trying to Skinny Rules whilst I m here. I bought my food last night -- porridge, fruit, 0% Greek Yogurt, Ezekiel bread, lean turkey breast, etc. I also bought some meal replacement bars to carry rather than make the fast food "emergency stop". And when we do eat out (from now on) I'll go with the healthiest, lowest carb, ft, etc. meals. I pan on cooking dinner for niece's family most nights I am here -- there are plenty of groceries between here and the rehab/ hospital and I'll go there when they all leave for school and work. So, I'll stop, shop and cook dinner each afternoon. Then when she gets home from nursing school, she can eat, shower, change, see her kids for a bit -- then we'll go out to see dad again. So, I'll be doing this for six of the next 9 nights. Then I fly home and am going to JUDDD - count calories every day, stay Skinny Rules on Up days, and do S and S on down, an I may even try a couple of double down days. I have at least two stone to shift.

I was in several designer outlet stores yesterday in San Destin and could not even allow myself to look at the clothes, as they'd have to be at least two sizes bigger than they should be. *sigh*

I did get a lovely handbag and matching wallet. ;)

Pooks -- what kind of job do you have? I could not imagine working outside the home with five kids!

Bajoleth -- the recently minted JUDDD moderator also has five kids! She has lost about two stones donning JUDDD.

I know you feel overweight - but I'll bet you felt less self-conscious here in Florida. I end up looking a the thin people they seem so few and far between.
I'm a dispensing pharmacy asisstant Mel but I only work 2 days a week for 4 hours each so I am really lucky
I'm also lucky that I dont have to leave my little one in childcare as my hubby works shifts and works around mine so he looks after the children while I'm there I have been really fortunate that my husbands always earnt enough money to support us all so have never HAD to work the reason I went back to work at all was because of 9/11 when that happened the airline industry was struggling and he thought his overtime would dry up completely.

Instead of losing the good lifestyle we had I agreed to go back to work until the airlines recovered and his overtime picked up again .
As it was the overtime was back within 2 weeks but how could I leave a job I'd just started so we agreed I would do it until christmas then leave in Jan 2002 but then in the new year we bought a new car and I stayed to pay for that that was 11 years ago I started that job for a couple of months and I'm still there ha ha

I really admire women who hold down a full time job whilst raising a family I could never do it I have enough trouble keeping up with cleaning / laundry etc now mind you I do spend too much time on here now ha ha
lol Pooks I have trouble handling a full time job and a little flat with only me to look after. I think you're a miracle worker.

At least half of that gain will be water especially if you've had any alcohol. I can put on half a stone over-night if I have more than two alcoholic drinks in an evening. Champagne excluded of course :8855: can't be letting Rosie down on that front

Apostrophe issues on other threads were noted during my absence ;)

Half a stone off for you by Friday young lady.
Holiday was good Pooks even if weather was crap. Serious chill time and much needed.

We all have our weaknesses Pooks. Had a pretty bad September myself as I was a bit of a carb monster but I know that stress is my number one enemy as it makes me eat so need to work on controlling that better now I am back home.

We just need to keep the focus on the healthy stuff and forming new habits. Until they take over. Well that's my philosophy anyway.
Shimmies in. shaking her bits and pieces!!!!! :)

I'm back...bah, what's 20 lbs between friends????..Well remembered my 17lb Christmas gain, I'm impressed!..but although I felt a big let down, I had to force myself to get going AGAIN...I've struggled this year, more that last..and I know the scales will have a giggle at me on the 1st of November....but it will come off..eventually..and yours will that we have you in our merry little gang, there is no escaping!

catch up later hun x