Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

I've never had muffin top before as my clothes were always loose but as I've got rid of all my big clothes now I have discovered muffin top for the first time not good is it :eek: luckily I still have some slightly too big tops I kept to cover it up

I went to London last night .We went up to see the lights just before christmas which is something of a tradition for us now that we do every year
We drive up to Knightsbridge and park opposite Harrods and go and walk along and look at their windows they were fabulous this year. We then take the bus to picadilly circus and walk down Regents street and Oxford street to see the lights down there, well while we were down there we saw that Scrooge was on at the Palladium . At the start of the week my hubby got tickets for last night so we went up and had a lovely meal and then went and saw the show it was brilliant. :)

On a more sombre note I have 1 day until weigh in then the games begin I think I am ready for it well as ready as I'll ever be. I just hope I can get back on it ok as I didnt have much luck getting back on it after my holiday did I :eek:

Have a great afternoon everyone :)

Oh and great to see Rosie back isnt it ;)

Sounds very much like my night with DH last Friday. We saw Dreamboats and Petticoats. Lots of folk are doing it -- you can and will! Are you back in the swim?

Off to visit Rosie! Whoop!
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo :) x

got so much to catch up on in your diary..but want to wish you lots of luck for weigh in and remember, whatever they 'tell you' won't be seeing that number again , you might be surprised hun?..i was!..onwards and downwards here we go...woohoooooooo :)

I bet Scrooge was brill :) I'd love to see it..hubby and I are going to see Ghost in the summer :)

Will be back in again soon hun x
Hi Ladies

Yes Rosie Scrooge was great , my daughter bought me tickets for shrek for christmas I was going to get them but they were too expensive she paid £65.00 a ticket I normally wait until they go down to about £30.00 but she said she didnt know what to get me so thought that was good for my present so I am going on 4th Feb . I did look at Ghost I would like to see that I loved the film so maybe in April /May time only by the time you pay for the tickets ,Tube and meal up in London it becomes quite an expensive night out so like to limit it to once a month at least.

I have weighed in this morning as as thought its really not good


I have put myself back to beginning of April last year and now have 3 stone to lose just to get me back where I was before I went on holiday


Oh well I only have myself to blame and maybe I have learned something from this in that I really need to limit christmas oinking to 3 days not 3 weeks ha ha and also that any holiday gain has to be lost the minute I return as had I done that it wouldnt have been half as bad.

So Hi Ho Hi Ho its back to plan I go ;)
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Hi Pooks,

Shrek is closing in March -- so, your daughter did well to get those tickets.
You can do it Pooks. Don't look at the bigger picture, it's far too off putting. Take it week by week, pound by pound. You have done it before and you will do it again. We're all in this together honey. Keep positive :) xxx
Evening Pooks!
Hi Mel how are you

Pretty good -- cold. I'm about to travel to Middle Earth with DH. It's our anniversary -- can't have dinner out. We did London last weekend (dinner and a show) - so, cinema no popcorn for our 26th it is! Lol. DS will take DD and friend to swim practice.
Well I made it through Day 1 go me ha ha

Actually that is a good acheivement for me as since my holiday I was never able to make it through 1 day even though I would start off with good intentions every day and by the evening I would fail .

I think the difference is I dont like this feeling , when you've been big and always had the weight on you its not something you would even notice or think about but once you've been without some of the extra weight in my case 5 1/2 stone of it , when it goes back on you really notice it and I feel really uncomfortable

That and the fact that I threw all my bigger clothes out (thank god I did because if I hadnt I would've been slipping back into them now) as it stands I now have very little that fits me comfortably so it means I am aware of tight clothing which reminds me constantly that I've put on weight and lots of it

So on to day 2 and doing well so far :)

Be Good Ladies
Woop woop to a successful day 1!!!! :) it is the hardest day hun, and once you've completed 7 successful days..there will be no stopping you!..It quickly becomes you already know..good luck Pooks x
Congrats on getting through Day One! I know what you mean about tossing the bigger clothes and having a very limited wardrobe.
Hi thank you for all your support you lovely ladies it means such a lot to me

Day 2 yesterday went well stuck to plan although I havent started any exercise yet I may swim this afternoon if I can brave the cold

Its quite bright and even the sun poking through at times here today thats something we havent seen it quite a while but we are forcast snow tomorrow so we'll see , I'll believe that when I see it.

And so onto day 3

Have a good one Ladies :)
Same here, no snow yet. The sky looks quite 'snowy' though. Hope you brave the cold and get to the swimming pool Pooks, you'll feel fabulous after. :)
Well done Pooks, once you get a couple of days under your belt you'll be on a roll.

Sunny & clear hear but there is a yellow snow alert for most of the Midlands on the Met Office site and heavy snow forecast during the night to be followed by rain later tomorrow morning. Wonderful news; looking forward to slush-hour commute........not.
Yay! Day 3 -- AND potential fitness! Love it!