Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Hi Lynne, hope all well on your new tablet:)
I am SO enjoying the Tablet. Finding my way about. And the app seems good! But I just need time to get to understand how to use it properly because its different to visiting the site via Chrome. I have downloaded some other apps and have got myself a weight tracking app too. I will be downloading more in the future. Its so much fun using it. As for life at the mo, -its busy. Two guests have now gone and another guest is here for another week. 2 parties, presents from friends, a meal round a friend's tonight, and a couple more events later on this week. I know I am being limp ("cake and eat it" is so true) I have sinned so many times my stomach is now bubbling like a cauldron. My mouth is enjoying the naughtiness but from the neck down the rest of me isn't and apart from anything else, the weight is going on again. Nil desperandum, I am not upset, just stating the facts for my blog.... Sorry, I will be able to apply myself to keeping up with everyone here AND being good on the WOE soon. Meanwhile, I am popping in for a quick read but so busy that I am feeling knackered and brainless, but very happy, I can tell you that. xXx

Photo on 04-09-2013 at 01.50.jpg
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Hi, enjoy your time with your friends...atkins will be waiting around the corner.
Hi Lynne - your looking fab x. Glad your enjoying yourself - isn't that why you moved there! X.

So glad your keeping busy with your new gizmo lol x. We'll all see you on the other side when your guests have gone x
Dropped our friend off at the airport tonight and I have just seen on Planefinder that he has just flown over Izmir. We had a lovely time and too many carbs, I will weigh in in the morning and hope it wont take me long to shake off this weight. LOVING gizmo, and have got a weight tracker app on it. YAY! Not that its impressed with me currently..... :copon:
Hi lynne, sounds like a fun time. And good luck getting back to it:)
Morning lynnedaloo :) any time we have to do something for ourselves we have to be selfish in order for it to work. Never worry about not replying to everyone, there are so many of us on here now. If we start letting anything as silly as replying to all put us off any part of our dieting or diaries then it won't work. Do what you do and how you want to do it, everyone understands. Looking good and hope you are well :)
Thanks Lauren. I feel so lucky to have a friend who recommended this site to me, People here are so helpful friendly and supportive. Its very important to me. helps a lot. Today I have started well with a cheese tomato and turkey sausage breakfast. I have drunk water with a little lemon juice in it and am planning to avoid tea because it seems tea can cause anaemia and I suspect I might be anaemic. I might go for a test next week. Meanwhile I have been reading up, because I know I dont eat as much meat as maybe Atkins would have me eat, but its so dear! We have mincemeat, or tuna, or fish, or spicy sausage, or eggs, or chicken mostly once a day. I take Centrum for geriatrics ;) I understand that calcium can inhibit the absorption of iron and I tend to have yoghurt for breakfast maybe 2 or 3 times a week, or I have cheese..... Just feel tired a lot, or i get tired quickly, so when we have friends to stay or we meet friends, I soon feel like the bunny that hasnt got the Duracell batteries.
Hmmm Lynne, you could be on to something and I too read that too much calcium can inhibit absorption but I really do doubt a bit of yoghurt and cheese could do that to you. I eat so much cheese and cream so I have to worry for sure.
lol at the geriatrics centrum ;) good luck with your tests and I hope you can get some resolve and help.

I never knew that tea could make us anaemic, although I drink gallons of coffee and I'm well aware of the damage I'm doing and the fact caffeine depletes vitamin and minerals in us. Hmmm hmmmmm. It is good though to have a good read, I often sit on a night time and research. Problem is with the Internet it seems I have a brain tumour, I'm heading for thyroid, diabetes, possible Parkinson's and the rest...well I do have the symptoms ;)
LOL< yes I know what you mean. I have sometimes been freaked out by what I have read. Oh and though it amountts to the same thing, what I should have said is that tea can also inhibit the absorbtion of iron, therefore causing anaemia. So this week I have had what my husband calls (jokingly) "transparent tea. This is hot water and hot water only..... :p Sometimes I go mad and have a little lemon juice in.

Didn't go for the test, decided to see how I go now I have cut out the tea.
Morning Lynne, interesting topic about tea. I'm also wondering about whether to cut back more due to mineral impact - it's so bloody complicated though and there is already so much I avoid :sigh: hope you are having a good weekend x
I have been drinking green tea (no milk) for about 20 to 25 years now. It slightly stains teeth, so I am looking on giving it up as being cheaper and maybe my teeth will benefit :) My problem is I am a 'teaoholic', so -like giving up wheat (almost), its easier when I dont have it at all.
Smiling as I type I have hit a new low of 202.2lb. Very gradually shuffling closer to the magical 'onesies'. We have been so busy with various things including lots of friends on holiday here, which has spannered my diet 'effort', but in the next week, things will settle down, only to be spannered again late October when I travel to the UK.......

I will get there eventually, just talking the scenic route to my goal.
Great to hear from you Lynne xx. Yayy for the 202lbs, you'll soon be in the one's. I think your being so realistic about your goals and not stressing about juggling diet Vs living is serving you well x.

I bet everyone will notice a biiiig difference when you visit in oct x.
Well done Lynne heading for the onesies:). I found the most important thing was not to let the the slight detours on the journey be excessive. My solution was to use low carb goodies for holidays and friends visits so not clean & green but not back to carb monster. This worked well for visitors, eating out, Xmas etc

My " treats" were Atkins bars (especially for dinners out - most restaurants would give me a plate & cream to go with my brownie bar:)!), sugar free biscuits, flax bread, sf chocolates, sf syrups to make cocktails etc. this way I would typically stall on the detours rather than gain too much. Also my DH is very good about ordering dessert with an extra spoon and letting me have a few bites - much better than ordering one myself:eek:
