Lynne: Low Carb Fan

All I am using currently is coconut oil as a moisturiser and the olive soap to cleanse and also to wash my hair. My eyelids are still swollen. They look translucent like blisters. :( Today was sunny, cloudy, thundery. Tonight I sat outside the restaurant to have some peace (I cant cope with loud music, -it was a leaving do for friends) and it was 16c and breezy. So, it was a little chillly when you arent wearing a coat and you are out there for half an hour. Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny.
Good luck in finding a good balance for your skin Lynne, I've had a right time of it lately too but started using coconut oil straight on to my face and giving it a good pummel in. Softer and smoother for sure but this cold weather cracks me right up.
How are your eyes today, Lynne? it really sounds like a severe allergy, I really hope not but are you sure it's not the doggies?

I started on the Organic Surge stuff on the weekend, it's very nice :)
Hi, poor you with the eyes, I agree with ladyf, it just might be the dpgs. Can you get a testing done by post?

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I don't know about testing by post. The only time I have had allergy testing was by the scratched skin method (for hayfever). I have had dogs since 1983. This problem SEEMS to have started when we got Elif, but it may just be coincidence. Thanks to all for your best wishes, I would hope that if it is Elif, that I can find a pill that deals with it. Meanwhile I am on some pills from the hospital, though I dont believe they are helping.....

I have lost some weight, which is good. I have 4 pairs of trousers, at least that now hang on me, basically because I have owned them for about 10 years and weigh 2 stones less than I did then :)

I have begun brewing Water Kefir. I know it has sugar in but the sugar is used up in the process (I hope). I am thinking that some of my problem may be leaky gut and the probiotics in the Kefir might help. I ferment it once, then drink after chilling. Another way is to ferment then put it in a bottle with some fruit juice and ferment some more. I haven't tried that because I am worried about the sugar not being used up in that 'second pressing'.

Feeling tied up in knots. Actually had a lousy night's sleep in which I had multiple dreams and every one was me failing, having disasters, things going horribly wrong. We will be having work done on our garden any day now, its a big job -getting rid of the grass that is so much work and the dogs mess up anyway (bringing mud indoors). We are keeping our established flower beds and putting gravel round the plants (to impede digging), crazy paving (where the grass is now) and one round raised bed with a stone wall round to one side. So I am concerned how that will go. But I also think the fact I am struggling with my eyes and not getting any where is like trying to fight your way out of quicksand :(

At least the Kefir is doing well and the weight has dropped a bit. And my friend, who I have been supporting, is doing fabulously and he is SO pleased that he is succeeding. Now THAT is a boost :D
Well done on the weight loss. What is Kefir?
Wow that kefir looks interesting - what do you use when it asks for some drops of trace minerals, hun?

And well done on the loss, it does take time but you're not in a race :) xxx
Susie, its a minefield. I sent that link because it was a nice looking site and got to the point. If you look up water Kefir, there are many different opinions on making it and some totally oppose another :hmm: I use egg shell and a small amount of bicarbonate of soda for the minerals. :)
It's quite an old article - but still, worth heeding - so maybe cut it out and go with savoury Mims instead?

How are you feeling today, hun?
He updated it last year: Health Hazards Associated with Splenda Consumption I will try Stevia for the sweet MIMs. I also make MIMs with salt and pepper, no sweetener, maybe some parmesan, to go with soup, or whatever. MIMs are something I find very useful :) Today my eyes are sore like I now have conjunctivitis! I have started taking the anti allergy pills incase its a touch of allergy to the pollen and if it doesn't diminish, I will go to the doctor. How's you Susie?
How's everything with your eyes today Lynne? I really hope the allergy has eased up for you now!

I'm OK thanks hun, trucking along. Really looking forward to Italy on Thursday xxx
My eyes are as bad as ever, if not worse. I live in hope of getting to the bottom of it. 2014-04-05 10.57.17.jpg

I hope you have a lovely time in Italy, Susie. Everything will be fresh with new flowers opening for the spring, -luvverly. We have Wisteria over our front gates and it looks pretty good this year considering it had to recover from being chewed through, 2ft from the ground, a couple of years ago.....

Oh no :( I can't believe the docs can't do anything !!!
Oh honey your poor eyes, how are they now?

i had a lovely time in Italy, thanks sweetie - like your place, there was lots of wisteria everywhere and beautiful blossoms. :)
Hi All, I can't believe so much time has elapsed, but I have been so busy. Diet is in tatters. Here it is..... When we moved here, we had two tiny terriers and opted to have lawn. Fine, but when we got more dogs, bigger dogs, the lawn suffered. In the end it was an area of green tufts and bare earth. The dogs would run the earth/mud round the pool terrace, on the sun beds and into the house. So, we have had the 'lawn' crazy paved and are now in the process of putting gravel onto the flower beds to prevent Elif digging. We have bushes and plants (a lot of them fragrant) and once the new ones settle in and spread a bit, the garden will look lovely. The dogs love it and enjoy running on it and sunbathing. So I am very pleased. We have had friends here in the last week, so we have been very busy, and I am now looking forward to having some peace and quiet after saturday. Then I can get back to Low Carbing because the friends brought TWO BAGS of the most delicious and tempting carby goodies and I have now put on weight, am retaining fluid and have vile heartburn. Yes I loved the goodies, but there is a limit to how much I can take -of the digestive upheaval caused by such an indulgence.

For about two or three weeks my eyes have been a lot better. They still feel a bit sticky/irritated, but they are no longer swollen and heavy feeling. The skin has stretched and maybe it will never recover. But at least I don't feel so bad now. The only thing I THINK might be at the back of it is that for about 4 weeks-ish I haven't had any MIM's due to wondering if Splenda is what my problem was. BUT, seeing as I was using either Almond flour or Hazelnut flour in the MIM's, it may be that nuts might have been the culprit. Also, I haven't had any black tea with milk. Frankly I am mystified. I might begin making MIM's and slightly sweeten with honey and see how I get on. Another consideration is that for 6 weeks or so, I have been making a probiotic drink (Water Kefir) and drinking it about 4 times a week. IF there was anything wrong with my gut (making it leaky) maybe the kefir is healing it (?) and the benefit is showing in my eyelids not being full of fluid, itchy and sore. I have worn makeup a few times and that hasnt upset them either. Frankly, I dont know for sure what I have done that has done the trick and I know I need to now reinstate things systematically to see what might trigger it, but I am kind of nervous because I really don't want to rock the boat.

Susie, I am so glad you had a great time in Italy, the Wisteria is stunning and smells so good. Isn't this a lovely time of the year, especially in this part of the world. We have a lemon tree an orange tree and several other trees and plants in bloom that all smell absolutely amazing, and any day now, the honesuckle will begin to pour its beautiful scent into the mix that is wafting about.

I will be back soon to update. Sorry for being away. Its like the last 3 weeks have shot by. I am looking forward to life settling soon, when the garden work is finished and the friends head back to the UK (they are a bad influence, LOL).