Mad Ramblings of a Yo-Yo Dieter......

Ah, yes it was ME! :D I don't know a great deal about Aspergers to be honest, but there are some similarities to Autism with it aren't there? My little boy is 10, but he's a very 'young' 10 if you know what I mean...... very much a mummy's boy!

I know what you mean about feeling like your head is screwed on nice and tight ;) I almost hate to say it (only because I've said it SO many times before :eek:) but this time really does feel different, I really feel like I can do it, get to the end of my journey and stay there instead of allowing old habits to creep back in.

Hope you're having a lovely evening yourself, I'm just off for a bowl of a small amount of low-fat ice-cream and a pile of sugar free jelly. Marvellous :D
HI Maisie
I will PM you reg Vacum.:)
Oh maisie, I hear what you say. I too feel different this time, so I fully understand. In the past I have gone into it with 'this is the last time I'm doing this etc etc attitude', but there's always been a part of me that felt I wasn't totally focused and 'I could always start again' :eek: but this time I can even go as far to say I am allowing myself to think just how good I'll feel inside and out when I reach determined this's almost scary :rolleyes:

When you reach goal which will be much sooner than me, I'll need you to stay around to keep me on track all the way to the end ;)

Asperger's syndrome is on the autistic spectrum, at the 'mild' end for want of a better word :confused:
Our lovely boy is classed as high functioning, as he does almost everything a 'typical' (HATE the word normal :mad:) child does, but he struggles with socialising and is quite a 'young 6'. He's a star and we are so very proud of him. :) :) :) :)
(horse riding has been cancelled due to the weather..hmm I might get a long lie to....8 or 8.30am!!!)

Hope you enjoyed your ice cream and jelly...yummy :D
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PM done:)
Low fat ice cream and sugar freejelly. Sounds scrummy.

I have no experience with Asperger's syndrome or autisum. Although i worked with a lady years ago whos son was Autistic and she was so very tired.

If the caring needed is as i am thinking, then you must of for so long put your selves last:(.

Looking after yourselves trying to think of health and fitness is tiring in itself.

I think your both great and an inspiration to someone like me who, is very lucky to have done and seen off a large part of the responsiblities that make you sidetrack self help.

Hope that sounds ok:) XXX
Aww LFM, thankyou :) I am sure Maisie will agree with any mother, (you included :)) we come last in the order of priority, caring for a lovely special needs child can be tiring work, but so very, very, very rewarding :D and it is nice to have a little me time..even if it IS for losing weight :rolleyes:

Hmmm still thinking about maisie's ice cream....ooh I better go to bed, before i start to crave it..sounded delicious :D
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Good morning all :)

I've only just got up, look at the time :eek:, check me out with my lazy lie in ;)

I'm not going to be able to do my DVD this morning :eek: I have a teenager that isn't mine asleep on the sofa :rolleyes: Daughter went out last night to one of those under 18 nightclubs and one friend was already arranged to stay over, no problem, when she calls at 11.00 as they're on the way home to ask if another friend could stay as he had no way of getting home :( Well, what could I say? I couldn't say no could I? Had to leave H a quick note to let him know or he'd have got quite a shock this morning! You know what teenagers are like...... god knows what time this boy is going to peel himself up from my sofa :rolleyes:

Anyway..... enough waffle about my hastily arranged B&B arrangements.......

As Rose has said already, caring for a child with special needs is indeed a challenge every single day, but the rewards more than outweigh any difficulties :) We do always put them first don't we and our needs are way down the priority list. I think I've possibly been guilty as using this as a sort of excuse for my over-eating :eek: "life is hard, blah blah, I don't have time to diet etc....." which is ridiculous when you think about it..... how much more time does it take to eat a banana for example, than a cake? :rolleyes:

I don't know if I'm going to fit in my workout today now :eek: I'm working this weekend (on call, so at least at home) but Saturday afternoons tend to be busy, then I've got my parents visiting later. The thought of doing it tonight does not fill me with any excitement at all. Oh what to do.......! :confused:

Am off to read and reply to PMs now, thank you both, you know who you are ;):)

Have a great day everyone :)

ps. the ice-cream lol, it's a tesco light choices "low fat iced dessert" and it is gorgeous. Only about £1.50 for a huge tub and I only need about 2 or 3 scoops in a bowl then fill the rest of the bowl with the sugar free jelly. Feels like a really naughty dessert but it really isn't :D Go forth to Tesco my friends and purchase forthwith ;)
Morning Maisie :)

had a giggle at your unexpected guest saga, don't worry about the exercising today, I'm officially giving you a day off from the dvd LOL, as you have exercised so well this week and swimming too can always do something strenous tomorrow to ease your guilt! ;)

I had a lie in too...but no teenager on my sofa! :) Hope you get use of your sofa again soon, before shall we say 6pm???? lol yep, teenagers like their sleep, I've had 3!!! all young adults :)

I haven't got a tesco near me, or I'd have been very tempted with that ice cream...I may get some sugar free jelly from my small supermarket though!

Have an extra special day :)
Hi Rose :)

A small miracle occured, the teenagers were all up and requiring food at 11.00am :eek: Little swines ate all my eggs though :cry: that I had earmarked for my dinner tonight, so daughter, much to her disgust, is about to be desptached to Tesco for more eggs ;)

3 adult children? :eek: Oh I say, that was quite a gap wasn't it?!

The sugar free jelly is great - only about 60 cals for the whole thing, plus you're adding a extra pint of water to your fluids too, so it's a win-win situation :D

At the moment, I'm saying I'm going to give the DVD a day off today...... but I'll see how I feel later. A sudden burst of energy might come upon me....... not holding my breath though at the moment, am feeling quite weary today and a bit 'blah' :confused:
hee hee, yes BIG age gap, 16 years between youngest and youngest :D

BUT BUT BUT...'young adults' from 1st marriage ;) and my 'baby' from 2nd marriage :)

Giggling(in a nice way :)) at teens eating all your eggs..typical :rolleyes:

yes, all about changing habits, I too used to sit in front of the tv at night...grazing!!! ;)...but no more, first week was the hardest and strangest for me :D

here's to a successful rest of the weekend...cheers!!!...with another glass of iced water :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I bet he gets spoiled rotten, having 3 such older siblings :D Lots of handy babysitters too!

The teens are back with my eggs ;) The ones who aren't mine are still here though...... go HOME for goodness sake!

I'm attempting a slimming world quiche for dinner tonight <gulp>, hope it works, I shall report back later! :)
:) yep, he's spoilt rotten by them all, but only one close enough to home for babysitting duties!

Look forward to hearing about the quiche!

You won't see the back of your visitors until they have been fed and watered (AGAIN)..I remember it well :eek: You must be making them feel at home ;)

Hope you survive temptation the rest of the weekend..I am sure you will!
Are you non-biologically-connected-teenager free yet?
How did the quiche work out? If it's good I'm going to need to find the recipe, I'm a quiche fiend!
I think you're allowed Saturday off from DVD workouts! You've been doing amazingly all week, so I doubt it'll have too much of an impact.
Have a nice evening :)
OMG Maisie have they got no homes??
Foot up bum with a large boot, towards open door works well:D:D.

The low cal Jelly sounds nice i will hunt it down on Monday.

Wish i had the patience to make Quiche:sigh: id rather make a fence panel lol.
Ive never grasped the food thing well.

I wouldnt worry about your DVD f you do it lat tonight and then at early in the morning that will be quiet close together. Does it say anything about leaving aclear 24 hour period.

Muscles must rest between stress to rebuild better and im sure you will want some definition too and nice muscle strength.

Good luck tomorrow an the 24 hour count down will begin:D

Good morning all :)

Well, the teens that were not biologically connected finally buggered off at about 5.00pm..... LFM, I was this <> close to deploying that method I'm telling you ;)

Hmmm, well..... the quiche..... yes, it was nice. Okay. Not amazing, not as nice as I'd hoped. Bit too 'eggy' if that makes sense. It was more like a large, thick omlette really...... and I'm not a mad lover of omlettes, but if you are then you'll probably love it!

Mix 3 eggs with 250gr tub of quark (I used a hand mixer)
In a frying pan with fry-lite fry off bacon, mushrooms and onions. Chop into small pieces when they're done.
Add to the mixture, along with salt and pepper, a teaspoon of mustard, a little grated cheese and chopped chives.
Give it all a good mix up.
Pour into a flan/quiche dish and sprinkle on top a little grated parmesan.
Cook in a moderate oven (160) for about half an hour.
You can check it's done by poking the middle with a fork, if it's firm it's done.
Voila - eggy, omlettey, quiche ;)

Tonight I'm doing a Spring Vegetable Pasta with Dijon & Chive sauce - will report back later ;)

So, here we are, 24 hours to weigh in :eek: and I Am Nervous! I'm trying to get my head around another slow result but I'm so, so, SO hoping for a decent loss, but trying hard not to get my hopes up :confused: Am off to swear at Jillian in a little while..... felt strangely guilty yesterday for missing a day but I just couldn't find the energy from anywhere to do it last night :rolleyes:

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, catch you all later :)

Hi maisie :)

quiche sounds yummy, I am an omelette fiend and have had to wean myself off so many eggs, but I think in the past week or two, I've had one boiled and one poached, not at the same time though:D

I too have the new feeling, GUILT :eek: that I haven't managed the same amount of walking this week..guilty over exercise..never thought I'd see the day :eek:
I'm sure your dedication to exercise all week will show on the scales tomorrow.

Got my fingers tightly crossed for us all tomorrow :)
Hey Rose :)

Guilt about exercise eh? What's that all about? Something weird happening here.....! ;)

If you like omlettes you will LOVE the 'quiche'. I reckon you'd get 4 good size portions out of it, with a salad or fat free chips with it. I ate half of it last night and I actually felt sick, I was so stuffed :eek:. A quarter of it would have been more sensible :eek:
That 'quiche' does sound lovely...but but pastry? WHAT IS THE POINT? lol. That's the best bit!...which, I spose is how I got fat in the first place, so yes...oh well. I might try it next term when I have money for ingredients ;)

Guilty for not exercising? Something's definitely changing then! Could you imagine when you started this, that you'd feel that way?

Anywho, hope you're having a good (teenager free) Sunday ;)
Pink, I'm cracking up here at your absolute horror at the fact there's no pastry! That's what I mean about it being more of an omlette than a quiche ;)

I had a small NSV today :D I am wearing a pair of jeans that I bought before xmas (okay, size 16, so not exactly waif-like ;)) that I have never been able to wear (couldn't get them over my hips when I bought them but at only a tenner from New Look couldn't be bothered to take them back!) and not only today did they go on, they did UP and they fit lovely :D <does little wiggle>

My friend who came over today who I hadn't seen since just after xmas asked me how much I'd lost, saying I looked like I'd lost a couple of stone :eek: and couldn't believe it when I put her right and said er..... no, only 10lb actually.

Need to keep hold of this feeling in case those damm scales annoy me again in the morning :rolleyes: <chants: the numbers on the scales aren't everything, the numbers on the scales aren't everything etc etc....... >
u too, have a great Sunday, sure your hard work will pay off tomorrow, gl for your weigh in!

So sorry, I missed this earlier, hope you didn't think I was rude by not acknowledging your post :eek: Thanks for the good luck wishes, am keeping everything crossed! :D