Mad Ramblings of a Yo-Yo Dieter......

Lots of coffee Rose, lots and lots of it! I'm fine during the day after an early start, it'll be from about 6.00pm tonight I'll start flagging.......... :zz:

Was all good this morning :D Hard work at the time, but the feeling afterwards....... can't beat it! My triceps are throbbing though, every time I move my arms, but I'm happy with that, means it's working!

Have been to the hairdressers this morning too, which was a lovely treat. Hadn't been since November :eek: so hair was quite desperate. It's looking much better now <swishes head from side to side> ;)

I'll give the boys a wave for you on Thursday! Any one of them in particular? <hums We've Got a Little World Of Our Own> Must enquire today where we're seated...... hope it's not miles away from the stage!
well done on the exercising front, yes aching joints..its definately working!

Mmmm favourite westlife laddie....let's see, if I was 10 (in fact make that 15-20 :) gulp!) years younger, I would be swooning in Nicky's direction ;) As i said, haven't seen them live, but heard that they often are suspended on platforms above the audience on certain songs, so don't worry about not having 'a good seat'...ENJOY!

I don't drink coffee unfortunately, hubby lives on the stuff, but I can't take I'll just have to sit bleary eyed every day :rolleyes:

tttwiitt tttwhooo at your new hairstyle (supposed to be a whistle :D) pleased to hear you are happy with it, its always a boost to get your hair 'done'..assuming you always like it of course...(flicks her newly trimmed locks over her shoulders in unison with maisie!!!! lol)

time for lunch now.....:)
If I'm close enough I'll shout "Woo-HOOOOO Nicky, Rose sends her love" :D

You don't drink coffee? <gasp> God, I'm a total addict, don't think I could function without my (minimum of) 5-6 cups a day :eek:

Completely agree, you can't beat that high from a good hair cut :D Mine was starting to go a bit 'rats tails' at the back (too long) so she's took about 4" off :eek: but it looks SO much better, thicker & healthier too.

Enjoy your lunch flower :) xx
Thankyou my friend :)

just thought, my 'whistle' sounds more like an owl......and a hungry one at that :D

definately going to fill my little tummy now.....ha ha :)

I'm sure Nicky will 'remember' me...nudge nudge wink in my dreams!!!!!

speak later
HI Maisie
Welldone on the DVD! you remind me of Shera or some scantily dressed woman in CONAN the Barbarian, going to war:D:D.

Quiet Jealouse of the hair treats going on here, had mine done just before i started and its just grown into its own...if that makes any sense.

Have no idea about westlife but with all this exercise you willbe up on that platform with all the excitement and a sip of Redbull.;)

Coffee i adore it! sugar and cream and coffee mixed, then water added.
OMG im a nightmare for it:eek:.
I Can do a Jar in 2 to 3 days!.( small Nescafe)
Problem is i am soaked in sheer anxiety afterwards, literaly the end of the world is nigh.....and i dont sleep as it is.

Have one for me please Maisie:cry:

Rose you've been reading to much Harry Potters :D and not enough Harry Hotters:D;)

Knock knock! Hi Maisie

Just have finished reading your 15 pages of what an exercise demon you are! I'm in awe....!

I too have a son with Aspergers ( like Rose) although he is 16 and in many ways a typical teenager! He is priceless! My great nephew ( gawd I sound about 90!) is autistic so am very familiar with the challenges and rewards these wonderful children bring to our lives!

I am tempted to try to 30 day shred after reading your success story with it...I cycle 11 miles to work and back at least 3 times a week and I walk at lunchtime but am looking for something else as I've entered two Race for Life's in one day! Gulp! still I have until June.

Hope you didn't mind me dropping in, will keep an eye on your exploits regularly from now on
Gem x
"Rose you've been reading to much Harry Potters :D and not enough Harry Hotters:D;)"

Hee hee, you are so right LFM :D

Have a brill day tomorrow maisie, I'm so tired tonight people will be assuming I've had a sneak peek at your dvd! :)
Good morning fellow fat busters :D

Gem, welcome to my diary, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. It's lovely to 'see' a new face and all comments are more than welcome :) As you've probably seen I'm a HUGE fan of the 30 Day Shred and recommend it very highly :D Go for it, it's brilliant! You must be very fit already if you cycle 11 miles regularly :eek: so you'll probably find it easy ;)

Rose, lol, I had to scroll back to see your 'owl' noises and yes, you're right, it DID look/sound like an owl! :8855:

LFM - I am sitting here drinking a VERY strong, VERY sweet (sweetners of course) cup of coffee....... it's just starting to kick in and I'm waking up slowly ;) Oh my..... scantily dressed she-ra type? More like red faced, sweaty, in leggings and a vest top type :8855:You do make me laugh!

No DVDing this morning for me. I'm off to my friend's house this morning and am walking there and back (an hour each way) so that'll be my exercise for today :)

Have a great day everyone :D
morning maisie :)

enjoy your visit to your friends today and well done on planning to walk there and back, hope the weather is better down your way, its a washout up here :eek:

I am really enjoying walking, it gives me time to think and plan, something that isn't always easy to do in a family home ;)....and lovely 'me time'

I bet due to your exercising, you won't even have a twinge in your legs after your walk.....lucky girl!

Morning Maisie

You just crushed my vision of you, and that was my goal:D:D.

Hope you have a lovely walk, its horrid weather here too, but up and out we must go.

I wasnt a great lover of walking and car kept so much from me. Now i agree it is some lovely down time, and peaceful.

Have a nice time visiting.:)
LFM, so sorry I ruined your image of me ;) Lol!

Well, it all went a bit pear shaped here today..... was running late, weather was vile and I ended up getting a lift to and from my friend's house :eek: Feeling annoyed now that I didn't get up early this morning and do a DVD.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Will be getting up early and sweating with Jillian before school :rolleyes:
Thank you for the welcome! I suppose I'm fairly fit for my weight but could be a lot better...especially in the upper area!

I was similar to you today...planned a cycle but the weather deterred me and I took the car! Hope you enjoyed the time with your friend , enjoy the shred tomorrow!
Morning Maisie

Like wise with the posts! what ever your doing i hope its all good.

Hope Gillian hasnt done you an injury:eek:

Wishing you a lovely wkend.
Hi ladies :)

Aww, thanks for wondering about me :D

Sorry for the silence from me, yesterday was just one of those days where I didn't seem to stop all day and just had no time to come on here :eek: The morning started badly with me sleeping in slightly so no DVDing, then H wasn't well so had to get 2 buses to school and back again, so didn't get back until almost 11.00am and had so much to do no DVDing done then either. Then it was Westlife last night :D They were A-May-Zing! Rose, you would have loved it ;) Enjoyed it SO much, much more than I was expecting...... we had great seats, about 9 rows from the front and Rose you were right, they DID swing out over the auidence <swoon>...... we considered trying some sort of pyramid to try and grab one of them!

Confession time though :eek: With all the rushing yesterday I didn't eat much so was staaaaarving by the time we got there last night so I had a cheese & onion pasty and a bag of maltesers :break_diet: Didn't get home until amost 1.00am and managed to finally drag myself out of bed at 06.00 this morning so I'm shattered today....... which is dangerous for me, I crave a sugar hit when I'm tired so I can see it being a very challenging day today :cry:

So...... no exercise since Tuesday :cry:, bad eating last night and tired, grumpy and craving sugar today...... any wise words of encouragement greatly appreciated please! ;)
Oh, and to add - I'm weighing in on Sunday this week because of it being Mothers Day and I'm cooking a full Sunday roast with all the trimmings and want to enjoy it ;) so I've only got 2 days to undo last night's damage :( Can I do it?
HI Maisie
Wow your evening sounds amazing,:jelous:
I had forgotten about your date with Westlife:D

I couldnt go to a place like that and not have grub, that just seals the deal hun.

So if i was doing that i wouldnt eat much in the day, so you may well of balanced yourself out ok.

I wouldnt worry about it hun, and its mothersday wkend, i rekon we all deserve to be a bit laid back this weekend.

Then we know we will have our work cut out for us next week!:eek: but all for 1 and 1 for all;)

We will forever have these times and things to test us, so lets embrace them and understand them and work out how to manage them.

I dont think this will knock any of us off the track, as we have to come back here and explain why if it does lol :eek:;)

I know I am not doing any excessive exercise for wieght loss this weekend just a bit of skipping in the evenings.
But I am lucky as i may chose to go on my bike for leisure.

im looking forward and already enjoying the break.

I hope you have a lovely Roast Sunday makes me want to go and find a carvery:eek:, but im not hat relaxed! lol;)
You will be fine Maisie, as you didn't eat much it will balance out...just try and keep away from the sugar today...fruit perhaps?

Enjoying life is part of it! Glad you had a fab time!
Gem x