maintenance with 5:2

Can't wait to meet him/her! Failed fast today, wasn't feeling quite right today, and sugar was a bit of a lifesaver. 1816kcals today. Attempt fast again tomorrow xxx

Hope you've enjoyed the sunshine over past few days carrie? Though is hasn't come out today at my neck of the woods:(

i realised i didnt didn't reply to your post about measurements. Oh! My you are tiny!! It goes to show the number on the scale can vary from person to person and it should be approached with caution:)!

i am 5ft 2 and at my current weight which from yesterday was 9st 4 and jeans size 12 but a snug fit (almost too snug still) and top 10 though I can fit into 8's but again on snug side. Measurements are 34/5 bust waist 29/30 hips 39 all from memory! I'm a classic pear. At 8st 7lb I will re measure and tell you what I am then. I have to be a whole stone less than some one of my height to be same dress size as I'm of Asian (indian) ethnicity and apparently the density of bones differ between Asians and Caucasians and Asians Bmi is lower to be in healthy Bmi range. It means I have to be Bmi of 22 not 25 for a healthy Bmi. So not fair! Ha!ha!

sorry a lot of waffle for first thing on the morning! Have a great day.
Today is going to be a good day, vanilla latte for breakfast 109kcals and found my old size 16 uniform...



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Wow! Did the uniform "fit' as in close fit? In other word is wan't a loose top when you were bigger? It looks very big!
We were all measured beforehand and I was between a 16-18 so they suggested an 18 but I begged for the 16 lol! It was very snug! Xxx
Fast going well today will try to better with diaries tomorrow xxx
That's the good thing with fasting, if one day doesn't work out, for whatever reason, just swap it with another. Lovely ultrasound making me all broody...but suppose I'd need a man for that!! :p

Lol! Well, sperm would be useful....
Love reading your thread and get a buzz when I read your fast day is going well. Keeps me going! X
Thanks ladies, sorry I'm not posting much. Still 5:2ing ( Tuesday and Thursday fast this week ) not as clean calories as I could be on my up days but still within my tdee. Been doing tae bo this week instead of fast n furious and hadnt done abs n thighs since sat so started day 1 today. Last day in work tomorrow then off with hubby on Friday and busy weekend with the inlaws before back to it on Monday looking forward to me time after tomorrow and even although its just one day off together it's our first since April and will be our last till August ( not including Sundays ) tired again xxx
Had an extremely indulgent weekend, didn't weigh but only managed 1 fast. Back to 4:3 from tomorrow till goal and looking forward to it. xxx
Morning Carrie, enjoy the rest of the long weekend and we'll done for getting a fast day in too.
Thanks kira, so ready for a fast today though. Breakfast is 1 x slice Warburtons Danish toast with 12g harltleys no bits strawberry jam and a large black coffee. 94kcals. Done my fast n furious and made my sugar free jellies. Lunch will be 1 x ww chicken noodle soup 51 kcals and another black coffee then tea will be 1x ww chicken casserole with 100g floret mix followed by my 13kcal jelly and depending on what cals I've left Ill have either a hot choc with a pink n white or some heat n sweet popcorn. Day6 of thighs n abs today and will do 1hr of hula when the boys are eating their tea and dessert lol. Little short 10-4 day today xxx
Finished on 464kcals day 6 thighs n abs done and hula done! Xxx
Finished on 1803kcals today and my fit bit says ive burned 994kcals today :) ill take that! Fast tomorrow! Xxx
You are really well and truly in a routine that this fasting is a way of life. That is fantastic.
Thanks kira, weigh in on Saturday with confirm if the balance is right lol. Still going to push on with 4:3 till new goal then back to 6:1 for maintenance. Would live to be at goal for hen weekend in Leeds on 11th July. 6 weeks? Time will tell? Xxx