maintenance with 5:2

Day going well so far, legs were sore this morning doing fast n furious. Hubby surprised me with a wee bunch of flowers and a m and s mooli ribbon meal at 150kcals ( knew it was a fast day ) what a good hubby. Rest day on thighs and abs but still got power hoop to do :) xxx

Day going well so far, legs were sore this morning doing fast n furious. Hubby surprised me with a wee bunch of flowers and a m and s mooli ribbon meal at 150kcals ( knew it was a fast day ) what a good hubby. Rest day on thighs and abs but still got power hoop to do :) xxx <img src=""/>

What a lovely hubby :)
Thanks, was sooo yummy too! Made a 70kcal dessert too with 1/3rd pint sf jelly, 2 mini meringue nests, 50g blueberries and 40g strawberries... Was super yummmmmy xxx



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Yes, its 6 weeks this weekend till 11th July. Thats when we go to a wedding too :), so im going mad for it till then too :p

Food looks yummy :drool:, and a fast day too !
I am impressed .!!!
I also got flowers brought in tonight :D

Yes, its 6 weeks this weekend till 11th July. Thats when we go to a wedding too :), so im going mad for it till then too :p

Food looks yummy :drool:, and a fast day too !
I am impressed .!!!

Ooooo! Quite a few of us with plans that weekend! I smell a challenge! Haha! Xxx
Yours are lovely too Carrie !!
I need to have words with my hubby ;)
Very lucky! Dress arrived today! Love it! Need to lose another few lbs for it to be comfortable though. Ted baker size 1 with rose gold embroidered detail. Stunning! Xxx oh and 68kcal lunch 200g frozen aldi broccoli cauliflower and carrot mix boiled in water and 5g veg boullion then blended. Yummmm xxx



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Hi everyone

I'm starting 5:2 Sunday, I purchased the 5:2 fast beach diet book earlier so hopefully it'll arrive tomorrow so I can prep ready for Sunday.

I've known about 5:2 for a long time but never tried it for myself, and even though the weight loss isn't as quick as some diets I've tried, this diet seems better in the long term and I'm hoping is easier to stick to aswell.

I was on minimins a couple of years ago but the set up on the app has changed now and I'm unsure how to start my own thread or search for some.. so could you all please let me know how long you've been following 5:2 and what weight loss you've had so far?

Thank you x

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Carrie I am so sorry but I found myself smiling when I reached the the Avengers bowl/plate pic! It was the glamorous dress to your healthy veg and then the bowl/plate that made me think yummy mummy! I still can't believe you have any more pounds to lose! Is a size zero!
Haha! All the boys here are marvel daft! Lol ted baker size 1 is a uk 8 and it feels tight on the tum, aiming to whittle that waist down. Feeling so emotional today, like pmt? Everything is annoying me, I feel soooo fat it's unreal. And I know I can't be, but I FEEL it. Had to bring myself to bed as I could either scream or cry... :( xxx
Haha! All the boys here are marvel daft! Lol ted baker size 1 is a uk 8 and it feels tight on the tum, aiming to whittle that waist down. Feeling so emotional today, like pmt? Everything is annoying me, I feel soooo fat it's unreal. And I know I can't be, but I FEEL it. Had to bring myself to bed as I could either scream or cry... :( xxx

Carrie, I recently started taking evening primrose oil for similar things. I know its a bit early to tell if its helping or not, as I have only been taking it a few weeks but I do feel it is. The man friend also says I have a longer fuse :eek:
I just figured I would see if it lived up yo the hype.
This is the first month at TOTM I haven't wanted to cry for ages :)