maintenance with 5:2

Right! Tae bo time!!! Shower work home tidy sky engineer coming aiming for another fast today then will enjoy my weekend! Back to 4:3 next week! Yay! Xxx
Hope you're feeling better chick. Think ups and fiend are to be expected. It's what we do on the downs that's important and you went yo bed do that's not too bad! X
Thanks, forgot to pick up primrose oil today... :( weigh in tomorrow and I think a sts is the best I can hope for... I'm not feeling optimistic at all :( xxx
Thanks, forgot to pick up primrose oil today... :( weigh in tomorrow and I think a sts is the best I can hope for... I'm not feeling optimistic at all :( xxx

The evening primrose oil might not work for you chick, but it is fairly cheap and worth a try ;).
I take one of the 1000 size a day. This is deffo the easiest period I have had in a very long time !
Ive not been taking them a full month yet as still on first box... Theres 12 left in the box, so I've taken 18 days worth :)
The pal who recommended them to me says it took her a good month before she felt the benefits, so we are all different :)
I just wanna be where I wanna be again so I can get back to maintaining lol! Can't stop wearing the dress for the August wedding... Today's pics! Haha! Will try it on once a week ( she says ) and we can hopefully see an improvement, especially with the abs, cardio and hula daily! ( I hope ) xxx



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3rd fast done, in bed, and tanned, nails done as hubby has invited me out for a few drinks tomorrow night with his work friends... Excited! I never get asked out with them. First thing I said was are you sure I won't embarrass you? He said of course not... Bless! Tonight's pics of tanned muscles lol xxx

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Carrie I think you look amazing in that dress already!
Thanks, but it feels tight in the tum and I wanna be comfortable. Been trying to get rid of the last wee bit but when clothes fit perfect or are loose there's no gauge lol. At least now I know where I wanna lose it from. And I'll see it weekly. :) xxx
Gorgeous day here, so first load on then ill hang it out, tae bo and do 2nd load... Shower and dressed for weigh in! Hate how scary I find this and how nervous I am... Xxx
Awh! Carrie don't be scared. Remember scales aren't complexity accurate in respect of size they are tool to give and indication. Remind yourself exactly why you smashed up your scales.... For that very reason not be a slave to them.

I just know you will be fine. X
Wise words from Kira. You should be so proud of yourself hon, to lose all that weight and keep it off, not to mention all the exercise you are doing and the muscle definition you have. Keep praising yourself for your achievements rather than focus on what you want to change.

Good luck for the weigh in - I reckon you will have lost x
Fingers crossed chick :) look where you have come from. Amazing!

You'll get comfortable in that wee gold embroidered number in no time. I'm certain of that :) x
Well it's a gain! And not a small gain... 4lbs!!! 9st 8lbs! So annoyed, obviously 3 consecutive fasts has led me to store as this is last week... image-556969795.jpg

And this is the week before... To gain 1lb I'd have to eat 3000 over my tdee and my line on mfp is based at 1200 so I'm still 2500 under over the course of the fortnight!


Can only assume I'm storing and retaining fluid and with totm approaching I have said already I felt fat for days.... Hopefully resuming 4:3 alternate days will see a whoosh. I didn't even gain 4lbs over Xmas and gained 5lbs in a month of no exercising and not sticking to cals but 4lbs on after one bad week?! I couldn't even do that coming off exante?! :(
That is interesting as it simply cannot be fat gain. Not 4 lbs of fat. You have still had a calorie deficit and the exercise so I think the 3 consecutive fast days it making you hang on to glycogen maybe? I wonder if the fast days had been alternate days the scale would have shown a decrease?

Don't this dishearten you. I know it must be extremely disappointing seeing a gain, any gain but remember where you started and also how long you have been maintaining for. Apparently the body takes a whole year at maintenance to be truly reset metabolism wise and you are more than half way there. Enjoy the sunshine and keep doing what you are doing.
Don't worry about it chick. The whoosh will be urs. Your body prob didn't like the 3 fasts so alternates is the way forward.

Stick with it and DONT GET DISHEARTENED. That'll make you feel worse. TOTM will be responsible too.

It's crazy all the numbers. Sometimes you are gonna feel fat. And there won't be any way to avoid that. Just ride the storm n come out the other side. But come out fighting. Not with your tail between ur legs.

You will so kick its arse Carrie. You really will. Keep fighting the fight. You will do this 'nae bother' as my dad would say :)

Chin up. I know that's easy for me to say... X
Carrie, I meant to add that I think you may end up having a big loss next week as your body is fighting losing any more. I just caught up on Alex's diary (Rev) we've I;ve followed since January 2013 a lovely young man who has lost over 100lbs and is 13lbs to goal. He had a small gain last week and this week he lost 4.8 lbs. He actually said he felt that because he had been strict with his calories over the period of the week he felt the loss would show up this week. And it did. So it will be likely that if you continue as you have been doing exercise and some calorie deficit that next week if you decide to weigh the loss could be a big one. Either way doesn't matter just see how you feel in your lovely dress.
Thanks kira, I know it's impossible for it to be fat but I knew something wasn't right. Every day after a fast I feel slim, this week I didn't. I felt just as big this morning after 3 days than I did the morning after eating for 3 people! I'm not going to let it get me down but I defo won't be doing consecutive fasts again lol. Ill stick with what I know xxx
So just do what you did before.That's the attitude! Yay! Well certainly what you had been doing before was working and not need to add pressure on yourself. Have a fab weekend and great week ahead.