Major headache on day 3........

Yep, I never usually get headaches so really don't do well when I have them while withdrawing from carbs. Mine lasted around 36 hours, I muddled all my words and was very foggy but when it lifted I felt TONNES better than I had before starting. Keep going - water, perhaps a pinch of salt in a shake, hot drinks - it's worth it!
Have you been managing to drink enough water I've read that that is usually the cause ? X
When I restarted after my break the other week I had a bad head in days 3 and 4. It does get better.

Can't remember what day I got it when I first started though. Hope you feel better soon x
Thanks for the replies! I've drunk quite a bit of water about 2 and a half litres and I've sill got a bottle on the go....
I have noticed since not eating like usual just how much I pick at stuff without even realising?! :eek:
Before I start my VLCD's the only thing I dread is the headaches. It actually puts me off starting. I suffer terrible with the headaches, the hunger, the rumbling stomach - I can deal with it all, but not the headaches. I usally get it for about 4/5 days then I'm ok. Worth working through it I think, just keep drinking the water and take paracetemol if needed.