Male LT


Full Member
Hi guys, just wanted to know can anyone tell me the cost for the male LT?? My hubby is thinking of doing it! yay....
im not exactly sure... guessing around £41 x gaz will tell u
I pay £43 for 14 meals a week
What? I pay £48!!
give me 45 quid every week and I will get ya some lol
Gaz is tight he prob made some sort of deal with them lol x
tis €6 euro a packet over here. Same recommendations 2 a day, however I must admit this week I have only been taking 1 a day and spliting it into 2 portions, I like it well dilluted ;) however the pharmacist today gave out to me for that :sigh:
BIG mistake mate you will actually lose less weight, you 100% must eat 2 a day