May check-in

How many points over do you think I could go over per day to maintain this week? I honestly don't think a loss is feasible due to exam stress but I could aim to STS.
first week is going well - 4 days in and getting back into the swings of tracking everything I eat. I do love the fact that I can still have chocolate every evening if I want it and lose weight! Please note I am not talking about a massive bar of chocolate rather a curlywurly or a milkyway! Only thing I need to focus on is drinking more water..... hope everyone else is having a good week!
Hmm, you might be able to do up to 4 extra, I seem to remember that I was on 20 then was allowed 24 to maintain (were talking 10 years ago now!) So I might have totally made that up...? I guess everyone is different, maybe try to stick to points but don't beat yourself up over it if you go a few over. You're going to struggle with not being able to get out and about while studying. Won't be long now hun!

It's great that you're doing well sharkbait, I think the first week is the hardest (barring exam revision :) ). Tracking properly is the way to go, I HAVE to track or I cheat. Water is my downfall too at the mo. I used to drink squash but gave it up to see if it helped my migraines. I don't 'fancy' a drink of water like I used to with squash and so only think about having a drink when I'm thirsty which isn't really often enough to stay hydrated. Perhaps we need a mini challenge?
Urgh. I'm the same with water. I've never been good with it.

I thought about 4 points per day too Hules. I'll try my best. Not long now!
You can do it! How long til e-day?
Yay! I lost 2¼ this week - really pleased with that. I've hit my first target of half a stone and now lost 8lbs overall. Not bad in 3 weeks and feeling sooooo much better already.
You are doing so well. Keep up the good work. This diet is the best!
It really is, it's the only one I lose weight with consistently and healthily. No extras, just clear guidelines and limits
Sticking with it is key. However my body must like a low fat diet rather than, say a high-protein based one.
I think mine does too. It's really the only thing I lose weight on. You do have to stay focussed though, it's really hard if there are any distractions around. I'm doing this at the right time for me. Nothing to distract me, no parties or outings til my jollies. I keep telling myself that I can do this! Really focus until my holiday, then just allow myself a little more rather than change my diet. It's healthy I'm just watching portion sizes at the mo.
I've had a bit of heartburn tonight. First time in ages. First time I've had bread in ages too, just a little Warburton's flat square bun thing. I think my body isn't overly keen on bread any more (it's certainly not happy tonight!)
Ouch. Heartburn is awful. It sounds like it may be the bread and would be worth taking note of what else you've eaten in case it happens again. Then you can no narrow down the cause for sure.
I track everything and there's nothing else really out off the ordinary. I had a burger in the bun, but it was a nice 'finest' one and I have mince stuff often (burgers too, just usually with a sweet potato these days rather than bread). Stomach feels odd too this morning. It's making all sorts of noises!
Sorry you're feeling a bit rough. It sounds like your poor body doesn't like the bread.

Have a good weekend waving goodbye to the pounds we will never see again!!!!
Thanks, feel fine now. Been to body combat and sh'bam so have gotten out all the aggression and my inner diva. Had a lovely lunch of roast veg crustless quiche, with potato salad (with red onion and chive) and salad. Yum yum yum!

Have a good weekend too danders! Are you nearing the end now?
Oh my. I am absolutely salivating thinking about your lunch. It all sounds so scrummy.

Yes, Tuesday morning! Nearly there.
Fab, proper countdown now then!
1.5 off today. That's a stone gone for ever!
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Woohoo! That is brilliant, well done hun!
Thanks Hules.