Maybe this time (Aubergine stumbles towards goal)

Often when I post on the internet it feels like it's the sound of one hand doing, well, something a bit unsavoury that gentlemen often get up to in the presence of glossy magazines. ;) Whereas if other people join in it's more like...

Okay, I am going to stop that metaphor right there. :eek: :D

I suggest you do, young lady. This is a respectable site tha' knows? :rolleyes: ;)
I feel the need to distract attention from my previous crass double entendre...

LOOK! OVER HERE! George Clooney in a tuxedo! Bearing a silver platter with a very special chocolate cake that cannot possibly do any damage to anyone's diet! And a glass of something or other that tastes dead good.

This week has been weird. I've been fed up and growly like a bear and sarcastic and thinking "will this wretched diet never end? NO! Because you let yourself turn into a fatar$e, you great idiot."

In the past this kind of thinking has inevitably led to a Chinese takeway as surely as the words "Paris Hilton" lead to the words "spoilt, airhead, paparazzi-bothering waste of skin".

I found myself falling into bad old habits. Feeling a sort of savage fedupness I scoffed my orange bar at 11am in the morning, thinking "I want this now and I am going to have it. And then later I will have exactly what I want, and stuff the diet"

Luckily sense kicked in on the way to Liverpool Street and all it meant was that I went from 11am to 9.50pm without anything else to eat. I wasn't hungry (Hello, lovely ketosis, have I mentioned that if you were a fellow I would smooch you until I tickled your tonsils and I wouldn't even require that you buy me dinner first?) but it did make me think about the way I operate.

I don't just use food as a reward for myself, I use it to punish myself when I feel bad as well, eating more so I feel worse.

This is the point where I usually blow diets completely -- where it's all going well and I start to think that if I chuck one or two packets of crisps into the weekly mix it won't spoil anything.

And now we're running into Christmas dinner party season too. With nibbles. And wine. (Oh God. Somebody tie my hands to a chair. And not in the fun, kinky way.)

Look! George Clooney again!
I feel the need to distract attention from my previous crass double entendre...

LOOK! OVER HERE! George Clooney in a tuxedo! Bearing a silver platter with a very special chocolate cake that cannot possibly do any damage to anyone's diet! And a glass of something or other that tastes dead good.

This week has been weird. I've been fed up and growly like a bear and sarcastic and thinking "will this wretched diet never end? NO! Because you let yourself turn into a fatar$e, you great idiot."

In the past this kind of thinking has inevitably led to a Chinese takeway as surely as the words "Paris Hilton" lead to the words "spoilt, airhead, paparazzi-bothering waste of skin".

I found myself falling into bad old habits. Feeling a sort of savage fedupness I scoffed my orange bar at 11am in the morning, thinking "I want this now and I am going to have it. And then later I will have exactly what I want, and stuff the diet"

Luckily sense kicked in on the way to Liverpool Street and all it meant was that I went from 11am to 9.50pm without anything else to eat. I wasn't hungry (Hello, lovely ketosis, have I mentioned that if you were a fellow I would smooch you until I tickled your tonsils and I wouldn't even require that you buy me dinner first?) but it did make me think about the way I operate.

I don't just use food as a reward for myself, I use it to punish myself when I feel bad as well, eating more so I feel worse.

This is the point where I usually blow diets completely -- where it's all going well and I start to think that if I chuck one or two packets of crisps into the weekly mix it won't spoil anything.

And now we're running into Christmas dinner party season too. With nibbles. And wine. (Oh God. Somebody tie my hands to a chair. And not in the fun, kinky way.)

Look! George Clooney again!

Oh K!!

I did laugh at your clooney distraction! I can see how that would work.;)

Well done for a brave and honest post. Personally I believe that it is key to changng those bad habits permanently. How did you feel after not giving into your own powers of self-destruction? I am fighting a similar battle as i type.

Glad I read your diary tho because it has reminded me that THIS TOO SHALL PASS. The tempatation DOES go away. It just FEELS like an eternity when you are in its grip.

Keep marching on K - all the glories of slimdom are within your reach!

Jeanie x

p.s. Was lovely to meet you at Sharons place yesterday. Hope to see you again.