Mid week blues..


Full Member
Sorry to be on a downer but i really need a bit of support today..I'm feeling so low, i just can't shake this mood i'm in. I've been really busy, my energy is flagging & I'm mega grumpy & impateient!

I've got a lot going on atm & i'm so down on myself about my cheat last sat.
I thought this would be easy by wk 4 but this has been my worst week!
I've not lost any weight on my scales, & am due my weigh in tomorrow. I can't believe the week i've had & not lost a single pound. The snack i cheated on last (Sat) amounted to no-more than 200 cals & i only had one shake that day. I just don't understand why that would affect the weight loss so much. I'm not condoning it, but even if i was out of Ketosis that eve, i still only had minimal calories over the week. I don't understand it. I'm also feeling really bloated, & the fibre-gel powder isn't doing anything!! Any suggestions? Thanks for listening x
:hug99:Hi Moanz, im sorry your feeling so low today, this is a hard diet and we cant comfort ourselves with our usual piece of chocolate etc. :sigh:
You must be very anxious about your weigh in but remember, youve just weighed yourself after drinking enough water to sink a ship today so your bound to be up in weight, stop beating yourself up about your cheat, whats done is done so forget about it and look forward to how great youve been since then.

Altho im only on day 2 myself, and i suppose you could tell me to take a hike because obviously you know alot more about this diet then i do, but maybe you should just have some "me" time tonight, have a hot bath, face mask, into pjs and watch a girly movie, its bound to cheer you up.

Im sorry if i couldnt offer any great advice, but i think your doing brilliantly so far, so dont give up xx:patback:
Thanks Skinny hun, i'm going to get the squids ready for bed in a mo & have a bath & early night too!

I'm ok about the weigh-in, i know its not going to be great, just annoyed with myself.

Well tomorrow, i'll come home with my shakes & get all optomistic again, we can but carry on!
hi moanz sorry to hear your having a crappy time please dont beat yourself up about the cheat it happened its over forget also please dont get into the habit of getting weighed at home al scales are different and I think its proved to you that its quite distressing when they dont move
this diet is very hard i know I have really been struggling this last week and seriously thought about quitting, instead I logged on had a good old moan and got it of my chest the things that are going on at the mo, is there anyone you can talk to about them I really dont know what other advise to offer you please ensure you have the 3 shakes each day as they contain all the nutrients your body needs maybe this is why you feel like you do having missed 2 on sat

all the best
xx Sharron
Wohoo i like it, stay positive because your doing great and going to lose those 2stones before xmas yay!! x
Thanks Fraggle, i appreciate your support & Skinny too. I'm just going to forget this week & move on, i so want to lose more weight, more so than wanting to stop the diet!
I'm going up to sort the kids now & i'll let you know the dreaded result tomorrow lol, take care xx