Minerva; Confessions of a Food Addict.

I am so cold... but on the plus side, studying is going well. My stress out at the beginning paid off - the background reading I did has greatly improved my understanding in the subject areas and now I can relax a little. Not completely of course, but at least I can start focusing on the assignments which are due in January, and the dissertation...! :eek: Arghhh! Scary.

Food... well... I don't really know what to say. It's not going well. But I'm slowly trying to figure out why the obsessive control has set in. As a side effect of all this though I have increasingly become aware ... that I don't know what it's like to be happy. What does it feel like?
I'm way behind, Min, so mostly I'm posting to give you my love and thoughts.

I did the obsessive calorie counting thing and it's likely to happen again when I leave abstinance. I haven't figured out my reasons other than my abject terror that I'll get fat again. Whatever your reasons, I hope you find them xxx
I used to chase happy Min, or what I thought happy was, the next new dress, promotion, pay rise, compliment, however none of these actually did make me happy there was always a void inside. Happy these days is a contentment in the small things, the here and now, just this moment, I try to worry less about yesterday and tomorrow, one is gone and cant be changed and one is a new page for me to write. It is also liking myself a whole lot more and that is with the acceptance of my good and bad bits and being true to my beliefs not anyone elses. I am not sure if it is happiness, but it is my definition of it currently - may change but it does me for now.

I think it's contentment

and self-acceptance. I'm sure happiness will creep up when you are least expecting it - a bit like men!:D
Hey Min, good to hear about the studying...:)

Happy....well I guess I am happy now and have been for a while (other than being unhappy about my weight) but that did take time, finding out who I was, what made me tick, how to like myself. It's not an easy or overnihgt process....give yourself the credit for being a nice person on a daily basis, even if it's just a small pat on the back...from this comes self acceptance and the rest can sometimes follow.
The gratitude journal is a fab thing to do, as is 3 achievements of your own each day. It does help you look at the small stuff, not the huge overwhelming picture.

Re the cold - coz boy am I feeling it - i found cute little thermal vests and some even cuter thermal socks to wear really does help. That and the heating at home on tropical along with my uber lovely electric blanket !! Still you have a nice man in bed with ya so probably don't need a leccy blanky ;P

hi min
happy for me this week was driving to manchester early on tuesday morning.
the sun was shining and i drove through ashbourne/buxton and as i drove through the stunning peak district scenery listening to the new ian brown cd i was suddenly overwhelmed with happiness. it bought a tear to my eye, everything seemed perfect

and for once it was nothing to do with my weight, my family or anything i could put my finger on - it was just a really massive happy feeling just about me

can't really explain what i mean, but i felt free and wonderful - i wish i could bottle the feeling, it was amazing!!! i could have jumped out of my car and run across the hills singing like maria von trapp (if i hadn'tve been on my way to a meeting i might've done!)

anyway, hope your week will be a good one hun

daisy x
I guess you're all right... Happiness isn't a certain set thing. It's just a relaxed contentment and acceptance rather than something that can be ever forced or contemplated... Perhaps the feeling you described Daisy is the most true description. That utter absolution in everything around you and yourself, for no real reason everything is wonderful. And I suppose I forget that it washes over me fairly often... I try not to take it for granted though... and usually in those moments you'll see a little red headed me wrapped up in a big fluffy purple scarf and red coat, walking slowly down the street with a small smile on my face... It's just so overwhelming how beautiful the world is and the diversity of human kind is astounding. Feeling small and insignificant isn't always a bad thing at all. :)

Today; after sorting out stuff with the local council who insist on keep billing me for tax I don't owe!! I took a stroll around the shops, I needed to buy some black jeans as ... my size 10's are pretty ginormous on me now... Bought some size 8's which... I'm not too pleased about because I don't really want to still be losing weight, but meh. At least I have some black jeans again! Yay!
Then I found some purple pleather gloves which are warm, and a wooly purple hat! :eek: And then I just went crazy, bought some black and purple slipons which are really cute, and long black boots! I'm not a shoe person, or a clothes buying person for that matter, but once in a blue moon, I suppose it's nice to treat myself :eek:

I even tried a size 8 John De la Rocha jacket... but it was quite a bit too big... which worries me. :confused: Is there something I can't see? In my mind's eye I'm still about a large size 10.

I need to talk to someone who would know how to help. But I don't know who, and I don't know if I would even take the advice because part of me doesn't want to. It's too "dangerous". It's also that morbid curiousity of how far can I go? Pushing myself to the extremes so that it gets so bad that someone else has to take over to make the decisions. I suppose it's a form of self-harm, self-punishment? A form of control in order to keep certain emotions (such as bereavement) bottled up?

Hmmm... At least getting lost in my studies is exciting enough. Who knew how fascinating Criminology really is!
Min you are so perceptive :) I am thrilled you had a fab day shopping and your treats sound amazing!!! Can we see some pics of the new goodies???? I love your description of yourself with your red hair in you little coat - you sound like the cutest of pixies <G>

I can relate to the how far can you go with the weight thing, I find I am thinking along those lines too atm - ie how much further can I push this - I think 52kg would be a personal lowest, so I am only 2kg off that and still loosing a bit here and there. The other part of me says this is enough, up the cals and just balance myself out - I think I am loving this skinny thing way too much. Hoping you post further on this as it is obviously something I need to address within myself. Have a fantastic Wednesday :)

Hopefully you received my PM Jez. :) I am thinking of you. x

In other news... It's my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend today... I've been sneaky, got a few presents together and haven't mentioned it. Think he's forgotten, but at the end of the day, I don't really care much! A day is nothing in comparison to the lifetime, he shows me that he loves me everyday (little post-it notes with cute messages and other things) and a bunch of lovely flowers on occasion...! Valentines and Anniversaries don't really matter to us both - we're there for each other every day, rather than once a year! :D

But - I did (subtly) suggest a cozy movie night on the sofa with take-away Indian! Very uncharacteristic of me to request such a thing, but he didn't seem to mind. Gonna spring my gift and card on him later, (lol) a part of me knows that because I didn't remind him - he'll feel incredibly guilty... which is sad. I don't want him to feel bad! But it's inevitable.

A part of me is spazzing out about the food and take-away, though I've worked it out and the whole daily total is 1700? ... I'm not *too* worried because I know in the grand scheme of things it's not a lot; and I haven't eaten much else today. It's actually what I should be having on a daily basis anyway. ... but ... because it's such a huge jump up from ... I don't want to say how much I've been having in the last few weeks -- the 1700 figure is scary. It's made easier though because I'm at home rather than at a restaurant where it's a whole lot more unpredictable... here I can have some steamed vegetables and salad with my food... mmm... I do love them and get all stressed if I can't have veggies and salad with my dinner!! ... Is that neurotic? ... Buh.

Oh well.. Have a lovely friday everyone - hope your weekends will be wonderful! :)
congrats on your 4 year anniversary - hope the evening goes well
daisy x
Hope you had a nice cosy night in Min...:)
Thanks ladies :)

As predicted, I sprung my gifts and cards on a poor unsuspecting Lyle! He was quite confused and nearly sank into the sofa with shame, the poor guy! But I think I calmed him down by reminding him that it's usually HIM surprising ME; and that it's nice to be able to surprise HIM for once! :D

My evening was lovely - we watched Ghost Town (the one with Ricky Gervais in it) - while I'm not a big fan of the actor, and I usually HATE soppy romantic crap (makes me want to puke! :p ), this one was a very gentle understated sort of romance, that made me go Awwwwww!!! So sweet! :)

Had the take-away and I had a portion of Chicken Bhuna and a Naan bread ... half way through the Naan I felt I should probably leave it... But it was so tasty so I finished it :( . I left some Bhuna though because it was very rich. Had a poppadum and veg and salad on the side.
For desserts; had a crushed Berry Solero with added frozen Raspberries, spoon of H/F Creme Fraiche and a Raspberry Jelly! It was very tasty. :D

Then it was about 1am, and we watched the pre-recorded Question Time, accompanied by some espresso (caffeine has no effect on sleep for me!) and shared 4 Thornton's truffles that I bought for him. They were very creamy, chocolately and sweet... I haven't had chocolate for such a long time!

However, I feel soooo full. That's the only downside. I still feel full this afternoon (it's 2pm!). I guess my body's not used to such rich food - and I don't even feel like I had "too much" of it, volume wise. I felt I was in control during the whole process because I had worked out the meal already so I knew my limits.

It's the unknown that usually kills it. When I go into a restaurant and I don't know what I want, how much, or anything - then I'm more likely to do myself harm and over-eat. It's as if - because I don't know I automatically assume I've failed for the day so I "give up" the control and it can lead to a serious binge...
A few times I did recognise that feeling and lately, I can usually 'save' the day. I rationalise it and think to myself - you haven't overdone it YET - if you stop now - you will still be well within your limits by the end of the day. It's not the end of the world if this one day you had a little more than usual.

Plus it hurts so much if I over-eat. For some reason I assume that my stomach still has the same elasticity as it had when I was fat! ... and I used to be able to eat A LOT in one sitting. After a meal of half a packet of spaghetti with about 300g of mince bolognase I was still able to fit in lots of bread, sweets and whatever else. I think I'd explode now if I was faced with that much food. :confused:

I guess I'm still very much ruled by fear. I can't trust myself. It's as if I don't have control of ME however ridiculous that sounds. It's as if - we personify that 'fat' image of ourselves as a seperate entity - who comes out when we eat. We are scared to eat because we become the 'fatty' and feel that the control of the food in front of us has gone to her. And she won't stop eating. She'll keep going. --- The fear of HER is what I am aware of. And I think I know a few people on this board who are also experiencing this exact fear... so the weight buffer becomes larger, the weight keeps dropping, and the achievement of what we've lost becomes that much more important.

And I have to admit... that, while I feel I have control... I know at the end of the day, I have none at all. The 'fat' person inside of me is still winning.
And I have to admit... that, while I feel I have control... I know at the end of the day, I have none at all. The 'fat' person inside of me is still winning.

ahhh min that feeling will surely go away
its hard but im sure you will get rid of it, i know i am over it, and i ain't letting the 'fat' person inside me win at all, its losing hardcore, soon it will be gone forever
Min you hit the nail on the damn head!!!! It is HER I am so afraid of!!! Thanks for voicing so beautifully what I have been feeling. I am glad that you had a great night with you man though :)

Hey Min

Just wondering how you were doing, hope the studies are going well, and you have had a little time off for yourself to relax.

Big Hugs hun and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi Min, hope the course is keeping you busy and taken the focus off your food control.

How were things going since your anniversary meal? Getting a bit busier on here now with Sexy Becks and Katalena now in RTM, plus Wooster showing us how a veggie RTM can be interesting.
Hi Min, just thought I'd say hello and hope you're doing fine....:)
Hey Min

How are you doing hun, obviously you are mad busy this week, look forward to hearing how you are doing when you get a moment.
