MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

I'm trying not to let the weather bother me too but grrrrrr!

I used to have scan bran for breakfast sometimes left over night with frozen fruits and yoghurt and it wasn't too bad actually well reminded! x

What time are you heading off today?

The breakfast wasn't actually too bad, super full now so I'm hoping it'll keep me going till lunch time. I think the cherries helped with the sweetness and the yogurt really made the sb easy to eat. Thank goodness :D xx
We go into work, load up the bus etc and off we will go...this weather was not part of the plans though!

I might do the sb challenge next week actually. Have you done the weetabix/scan bran cake cake? Thats not bad and ok for breakfast etc x
I have a coffee cake recipe to try so will report back on that one.

Hope it brightens up for you! Xx
Does the SB go like weetabix? xx

Kind of. But more stale tasting :D xx
HELP!! Minks - can you help me please. I am looking to set some mini goal "treats" I have been feeling quite down recently as I foolish thought that my weight loss could be rewarded with new clothes at each stage - but i'm not (yet) dropping dresses sizes as much as I thought I would be.

So I am setting different treats for each half a stone, building to a big treat of an eternity ring when I get to my 40th and target next year. So, any ideas? So far my list includes manicure and pedicure, eyelash extentions, spa weekend, tattoo (?) Any other suggestions?
HELP!! Minks - can you help me please. I am looking to set some mini goal "treats" I have been feeling quite down recently as I foolish thought that my weight loss could be rewarded with new clothes at each stage - but i'm not (yet) dropping dresses sizes as much as I thought I would be.

So I am setting different treats for each half a stone, building to a big treat of an eternity ring when I get to my 40th and target next year. So, any ideas? So far my list includes manicure and pedicure, eyelash extentions, spa weekend, tattoo (?) Any other suggestions?

Ooh treats! It took me ages to drop dress sizes so understand :)

How about -

* massage
* pamper spa day
* hair cut
* new set of books or book (or even a magazine subscription to SW ;))
* new shoes!! (This one seems to be one of mine a lot!)
* new handbag
* new clothes or item specific(you WILL need to soon)
* new make up set or professional facial session (so eyebrow wax, indian head massage, dermo face massage)
* coffee / tea mug (laugh at this but I have one ;))
* an afternoon alone outside in the sun with headphones in and no one to disturb. Bliss and cheap :D

Sometimes I like to reward myself with just having a hot bubble bath, candles, music and a good book with my phone turned off. Or a new nail varnish. Doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive xx
All sounds brilliant. Gonna add them to my new list. love the idea of a new mug and a make over. Would love to have gorgeous hair as short as yours, but lack the confidence (at the moment) Thank you, you are a star!
All sounds brilliant. Gonna add them to my new list. love the idea of a new mug and a make over. Would love to have gorgeous hair as short as yours, but lack the confidence (at the moment) Thank you, you are a star!
No problems sweetie xx
I need a new mug and hav been eyeing up the starbucks one it looks just the right size :)
How ya doin today minks?
I'm all good thanks hun, feeling v motivated this week. Get yourself the mug when you get your next shiny :) how you doing today? Xx
Holy Moly Minks, you must spend a fortune in Slimming World! lol

Ha ha! I like to keep myself stocked up ;) xx
Ooh scan bran with yoghurt, that's a good idea! I'm a bit late starting the SB challenge since my weigh in is monday but from today I am going to do it again too, I did lose "better" the weeks I did it before.......better for me anyway! (still slow!)

Did you soak/soften it first in water or put it in the night before to soften it in the yoghurt? It is true it really is filling so does stop any snacking happen!

I struggle with what else to do with it except in soups really, and the cakes. Would you eat the cake for breakfast, maybe half for breakfast and half for after dinner or something would still get the 5 of them in in one day? Sorry just thinking out loud here haha!
Ooh scan bran with yoghurt, that's a good idea! I'm a bit late starting the SB challenge since my weigh in is monday but from today I am going to do it again too, I did lose "better" the weeks I did it before.......better for me anyway! (still slow!)

Did you soak/soften it first in water or put it in the night before to soften it in the yoghurt? It is true it really is filling so does stop any snacking happen!

I struggle with what else to do with it except in soups really, and the cakes. Would you eat the cake for breakfast, maybe half for breakfast and half for after dinner or something would still get the 5 of them in in one day? Sorry just thinking out loud here haha!

I found it super filling and only just starting to feel hungry for my lunch which is perfect timing really.

For my breakfast I snapped up 3 SB and put frozen cherries on then a pot of the yogurt. By the morning it was soft and I was able to mix it up so didn't even resemble SB. A couple of lumps but didn't bother me. The other 2 for today will be softened in hot water and stirred through my chilli for dinner.

When I do the cake I'm going to have half for breakfast and then cut a few slices to munch on through the day or after dinner to get my full 5 in.

I'm making mash with potato, fried onions, oxo cube and softened/blitzed SB later in the week. Also a breakfast loaf that has bacon, mushrooms and onions in. A few days I'll eat them topped with stuff so I'm not over doing the egg in take because that can really bung you up and I don't want that at all!!

Let me know how you get on! Xx
Lunch is McCain jacket topped with leftover smashed chickpea and pesto mix which I added jalapeños to.

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=89886"/>

Mm I need to try that mix! Xx

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Lunch is McCain jacket topped with leftover smashed chickpea and pesto mix which I added jalapeños to.

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=89886"/>

I've never tried those McCain jackets Minks - they're 1 syn aren't they? Are they tonnes quicker than microwaving a potato?xx

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