

Determination is Key
I had an appointment for a smear test today. While lying on the exam table, bits hanging out, and doctor fiddling down below, she suddenly exclaims,

"Oh, that's a lot of metalwork! Did that hurt?"

I have a piercing "down below", and ordinarily I don't mind answering the "did it hurt?" question...but please, not while you're down there with a speculum and your rubber gloves.

I had the embarrasment of having to ask the Nurse for a hand to get up off the bed after my 1st smear test.....I had a very bad back!
Nice, She'll never forget you!
bahahahahahaha I'm sorry you just made pepsi max come out of my nose lal over my laptop hahahaha!

I'm sorry! erm... *hugs*?!
Strangely, things like this are always happening to me lol
I was once chatted up by a gravedigger, whose best line was to tell me (very cheerily) that he wouldn't have to dig a long grave for me, cos I'd fit in a small one.... dear Lord!
I attract them everywhere... it must be my perfume or shampoo or something... :p