Motivational Christmas Tree...

Ooh, Brittany, that's wicked! :D

Thanks Honey. I'm going to make my own and stick it up at home as motivation and a reminder as I also want to lose a stone by Xmas!! x
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Bumping up for newbies!:xmastree:

I had a little bit of spare time at work and made a 'Motivational Christmas Tree' for myself... But i liked the idea so much, i photocopied it and i'm taking it to class tonight so see if anyone else likes it, so obviously i thought to share it with all the lovely people on here too!

Basically the plan is i want to lose a stone (or at least bloody close) by christmas. So on my tree in the baubles i will put numbers 1 - 14 (14 being in the star at the very top) so i can plan each lb i lose, and for every one i do i'll colour in!!
Now, if you don't want to lose a stone you can set your sights higher or lower by writing different numbers in the baubles or setting your own targets..
I'm sure you get the idea, i'm very bad at explaining things!!

Either way here is it, to print off or complete on the computer at your will.
Hope it serves as a good motivational tool to someone, i know i'm using mine!!


Edited to add: To give you an idea, this is how my tree looks so far!!
