Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

carly82 said:
How you doing miss muff?
We miss you Muffy we do, we miss you Muffy it's true, oh Muffy we love you :D

Hope it's going well my lovely xxxx
carly82 said:
We miss you Muffy we do, we miss you Muffy it's true, oh Muffy we love you :D

Hope it's going well my lovely xxxx

Love the song :) Just managed to get my iPad out my bag! Phone been dead since yesterday i charged it in the car but then lesft it plugged in while the car was off and it drained the phone?? Wtf?? So got here to mother in laws and I went to charge it but I dropped it now my phone says 'no sim' and I need a little iPhone key (which is at home) to open the thingy to take the sim out and put I back in!! Decided to enjoy myself and come back ts Monday :) xx

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nomoremuffintop said:
Love the song :) Just managed to get my iPad out my bag! Phone been dead since yesterday i charged it in the car but then lesft it plugged in while the car was off and it drained the phone?? Wtf?? So got here to mother in laws and I went to charge it but I dropped it now my phone says 'no sim' and I need a little iPhone key (which is at home) to open the thingy to take the sim out and put I back in!! Decided to enjoy myself and come back ts Monday :) xx

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Make sure you enjoy the food missy it will be your last for weeks after this ;)
Have fun :D
Ps think you can open iPhone with a paperclip :)
Iv been stupid this weekend I have had so much fun too though :)

Not dwelling on it. As of tomorrow I'm back!! No excuses! no failings! no slip ups and no disappearing! I need this forum and I'm sorry iv just deserted everyone that has been here for me. Muffy is officially making a come back tomorrow morning with bells on ;) xxx
nomoremuffintop said:
Iv been stupid this weekend I have had so much fun too though :)

Not dwelling on it. As of tomorrow I'm back!! No excuses! no failings! no slip ups and no disappearing! I need this forum and I'm sorry iv just deserted everyone that has been here for me. Muffy is officially making a come back tomorrow morning with bells on ;) xxx

Glad you had a good time Muffster.
We missed ya ;) xx
I missed you too Clair :)

Iv had a totally rubbish month diet wise but I don't know what is wrong with me? My toddler has become wild and I don't seem to have 2 minutes to myself to log in here lately so I'm hoping to get on here a bit more because I fail so much more when I'm not on minimins :(

Totm arrived yesterday too so I'm bloated like a big fat blow fish!

Oh well need an early night so I'm off to have a bath.

See you all tomorrow xxx
nomoremuffintop said:
I missed you too Clair :)

Iv had a totally rubbish month diet wise but I don't know what is wrong with me? My toddler has become wild and I don't seem to have 2 minutes to myself to log in here lately so I'm hoping to get on here a bit more because I fail so much more when I'm not on minimins :(

Totm arrived yesterday too so I'm bloated like a big fat blow fish!

Oh well need an early night so I'm off to have a bath.

See you all tomorrow xxx

Have a nice bath lovely :) I'm off for a bath too soon :) see you in the morning x
weve all been there hun... so know how it is..heres to your big comeback tomm.. june has been quite a month for a few of us... im on my final restart today too..the very best for tomm you will nad can do it hugs x
Good luck for today can do it for sure. you have come so far and the little break has probably proved a good metabolism boost. Take care and I shall do my ketosis dance for you to try and entice it to arrive quickly for you xx
Morning muffy, I've had a rubbish time dieting too but I'm getting back on the wagon again. Hope to see you there xo

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Hi so sorry I ain't been about!! Have naff all to talk about :/

Weight today - have no idea as I couldn't weigh myself :( but guessing around 12 stone :0

Doing ok. In bed and feel rubbish, bloated and moody (totm etc.)

Will hopefully be in a better mood tomorrow ;) night xx

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nomoremuffintop said:
Hi so sorry I ain't been about!! Have naff all to talk about :/

Weight today - have no idea as I couldn't weigh myself :( but guessing around 12 stone :0

Doing ok. In bed and feel rubbish, bloated and moody (totm etc.)

Will hopefully be in a better mood tomorrow ;) night xx

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Oh hun you always think it is worse than it is :)

Did you start back today? I'm supposed to be at TOTM soon but forgot to take my pills again so will have to go straight through without :S useless memory!
Sending you some love and hugs x hope you feel better soon x