Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

Dinny worry, we know your there, reading. Don't stress yourself out. Really hope your on the mend quickly xxx

Thanks carrie

Don't see me getting any relief until iv had the operation. Really getting down about it now. I'm reading everyone's diary just upset I can't write much to help or encourage anyone. I'm not feeling very positive today so need to keep busy. Ill be back later. It's mad how 2 minutes tapping on an iPhone kills your shoulder do much.

Taken my arm for granted for too long. Sorry arm, please forgive me :( xx
Thought you started Wednesday? Your on day 11, I started thurs and I'm on day 10 lol... Or have I got that wrong? I thought you were one day ahead of me? Xx
Yeah the 2nd was Wednesday, so you've done wed, thur, fri, sat, sun,mon,tues,wed, thur, fri and your on day 11. Today's the 12th lol . To be fair you were in a lot of pain 1 day! Think I'd block that day out too xxx
Aye Muffy, you are on day 11 :D, a day behind me :)

Muffy we know you are here reading. We know you want to keep going :)
So you are not typing too much, could you maybe use a smillie you like... we can fill in the blanks ;)
I think sleep is a good thing to help heal you, if you can get some in, then do it chick :D
Hello darling don't worry about not commenting on our diaries we know you are there silently supporting us x do you know when your MRI is yet? I'm so sorry you're in so much pain xxxx well done on being so strong x
Hi everyone thanks so much for the messages I haven't heard anything about MRI yet.

I'm in so much pain tonight I'm sat under blanket withy screwed up ouch face :(

Have been sick again today. Feeling pretty weak so having a night off, yes I know it's using my pain as an excuse but I really need something comforting :( hubby is just dishing up meat coleslaw and chips! Might even have some bread. Sorry to let you down girls. Ill be back 100% in the morning. Xx
Ohhh Muffy you poor thing that's rubbish that you're in so much pain. Hope you feel better soon.

I think a rotator cuff injury is a more than reasonable "excuse" for coming off plan - for one thing you need food to line your tummy to take the painkillers!

Take care keep your chin up

L x
Hi everyone thanks so much for the messages I haven't heard anything about MRI yet.

I'm in so much pain tonight I'm sat under blanket withy screwed up ouch face :(

Have been sick again today. Feeling pretty weak so having a night off, yes I know it's using my pain as an excuse but I really need something comforting :( hubby is just dishing up meat coleslaw and chips! Might even have some bread. Sorry to let you down girls. Ill be back 100% in the morning. Xx

You aren't letting anyone down you need to keep those pain meds down if you are just throwing up then you need to get some food down your neck x much love and hugs x
Your health comes first Muffy. You need to keep the pain at bay to get through the day :)
I totally agree with everyone, you'd end up ill as we'll as in a lot of pain. Do what you have to do chick, well be here when your back fighting fit xxx
I'm feeling very guilty but I couldn't manage my food i had a bit of everything. Ate half the bread most of the coleslaw a few chips and some lamb :( wont beat myself up too much xx fingers crossed I keep the tablets down now, being sick isn't easy as when I lean forward my shoulder slides out of place!!! Eeerggh!! Pain is getting unbearable im not sure how long im meant to put up with it? Shoot me please??!

Without being able to pop in and waffle here I'm struggling so much and feel quite left out :(

I'm so sorry to keep moaning, love you all xx
I'm feeling very guilty but I couldn't manage my food i had a bit of everything. Ate half the bread most of the coleslaw a few chips and some lamb :( wont beat myself up too much xx fingers crossed I keep the tablets down now, being sick isn't easy as when I lean forward my shoulder slides out of place!!! Eeerggh!! Pain is getting unbearable im not sure how long im meant to put up with it? Shoot me please??!

Without being able to pop in and waffle here I'm struggling so much and feel quite left out :(

I'm so sorry to keep moaning, love you all xx

Oh hunny that's awful can you contact your doc and see if they can up your dosage? I'm sure the max tramadol dose is actually really high x
Sounds sooo painful...hopefully the painkillers will stay down so they can actually get to work! Xxx
Pain killers stayed down yay!

Had a bar this morning and some warm (weak) weight watchers squash xx

Hubby is away for the day so im at My parents. mum is a feeder, She persuaded me to have some dinner today as she was concerned :/

I left all packs at home.

The plan was roast chicken, broccoli and runner beans but she has just informed me that she forgot to get the chicken out of the freezer so she's cooking toad in the hole carrots sprouts and peas!! She has the most gorgeous Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes :( Oh I'm so hungry I'm locked out of the house as hubby is picking me and boys up later so didn't need to bring keys and now I can't get in to get a pack... Looks like I'm off for today too :(

Bad mistake having yesterday off I'm sure the family have plotted against me to get me to eat as many carbs as possible this weekend.

They are blaming my fall / low blood pressure on the diet.

I have to pull it back I need to be in control tomorrow is going to be a fresh start I won't let this week ruin it for me.

Tunisia + obese = hot sweaty muff

I have to do it :(
Just give yourself a couple of days eating meals that allow the painkillers to work effectively. If your having your food pack in the morning it at least means your not coming off it completely. That's so much better than I would have done. The fact your still here and still trying regardless of your awful fall speaks volumes. I've no doubt in my mind you will do it this year, your soooo determined! Xxx
Oh hope u feel better soon.. I wouldnt worry 2 much about eating - prob best with painkillers x