Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

God no not all 174 pages haha! I did skim through most of it though and i personally thought it was inspiring! :) I read up until you got to just over 11st, even with the tougher times you carried on and i love reading people getting close to goals and seeing the pictures, You're doing it again now :) xx

It was a lot of drivvle so you didn't miss much! I actually live reading back on my first diary back in the lipotrim forum. I was so in the zone the 1st month I wish I could go back to then and never come off before I was at goal. I'm really trying to do it again now I want to make it this time xx

Well done muffy - u star. Hope your little one gets better soon babe hugs xxx

Thanks doll. I'm hoping monster (jag) doesn't pass it to all of us. 6 people all living together infecting each other is a nightmare. Stocking up on hand gel and new flannels/towels each I think xx

Hi Muffy, just been catching up on your diary, hope your doing well hun. xx

Thanks for popping by xx I'm doing good hanks KatieLouise x
Keep strong Muffy - we're egtting there hun - back on track!
vee x

Yes that's right, back on track. I always prided myself on getting straight back on if I ever fell off plan. Then one day I lost the plan totally and it took me 15 months to find it again :( The plan is to stay on the wagon as much as possible and if I fall I need to get straight back on to it. Sounds pretty simple. Nobody can do this for me. It's all down to me xx
Choc shake made with a pint of water and coffee is only my 2nd pack today. I really can't manage another pack. I will have a bar if i can stay awake long enough. Xx
After reading the first 3/4 of your diary i KNOW you can do it, and i cant wait to see your progress photos again xx
Iv just gone through my phone pics and came across this horrible picture of myself and my friend who started today. It was taken on Sunday night. :( how shocking when you see yourself from the outside looking in :( motivation is kicking in hard. I want to be like my minimins pic not like this .... Rough isn't the word :(


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Just watched a program on sky sports with my favourite celebs on the gorgeous Carl froch David haye and Amir khan :) I love a boxer ;)

My friend can't believe I'm not starving (I'm on day 2 after a week off) because she started today and can't stop thinking of food. I told her iv decided on trying some mind over matter tactics and I'm chuffed they seem to he working a treat :D no hunger at all but I'm not in ketosis so my apatite isn't suppressed by that, maybe I'm never really that hungry I just eat like a pig because I am one ;) haha xx

Iv got acid :( im tired, been up since 5 so need to go to bed but have waited to fit another pack in. I can't face a pack still. Sorry I am going to be naughty and go to bed only having a slim and save mushroom pasta and an exante choc shake today. Will try harder tomorrow xx

Night night muffetts xx
Sorry to hear about the acid :) But so happy to hear you so strong and positive YAY!!! :D

At the start of this, I told myself the same things over and over, and it absolutely set my mind. I wrote them in my diary but will copy and paste it for you incase you can relate to it too and get something from it - Set everything in stone for me xx

"When you feel like a certain food, Imagine yourself eating it when you're slim. That time will come if you refuse it now.

When you feel like giving up, Remember you WILL regret it, change your mind in months to come and feel as determined as now to start again, probably heavier, and you'll wish you just stuck at it all that time ago - Now.

When you feel hungry and it gets tough, Remember food is not banned for life! Its a short time, a small price to pay for achieving a dream and being happy in yourself, comfortable in your own skin again and confident. Food can wait.

When you feel the weightloss is too slow, Remember that its a lot faster than if you wernt losing it at all. Either keep losing slow until its all gone, or give up and get even bigger right?

When you're feeling rotten and want to cheat, Think about how slim you would already be, with no need to diet, if you didnt do that so many times already.

When you feel like its going to take too long, Think about how long its been left to get that bad. It can be beaten once and for all right now, so you will never have to feel that way again.

When you're out with friends and get caught up in the high spirits, and think having a night off will be ok, Dont. These situations dont stop because you're on a diet, you have to learn to be strong when needed or the pattern will never be broken and the yo-yo will continue. Stick at it and soon you'll be out with them dancing rings around them at your fittest!

If you really want the taste of something, Remember its only food! Is it really THAT important right now in comparison? Happiness and all the things you will gain when you reach target are so much more important and satisfying than that plate of grub.

If you're 'really going to do it this time' and its 'different to last time' then do it. No excuses, no fails, no cheating, no slip ups. Go at it like a bull to a flag and dont stop until you reach the goal. Not having this attitude is the reason you're not there right now.

Imagine reading your diary back when you're as slim as you imagine yourself. You're making that happen right now, dont stop :)"
Sorry to hear about the acid :) But so happy to hear you so strong and positive YAY!!! :D

At the start of this, I told myself the same things over and over, and it absolutely set my mind. I wrote them in my diary but will copy and paste it for you incase you can relate to it too and get something from it - Set everything in stone for me xx

"When you feel like a certain food, Imagine yourself eating it when you're slim. That time will come if you refuse it now.

When you feel like giving up, Remember you WILL regret it, change your mind in months to come and feel as determined as now to start again, probably heavier, and you'll wish you just stuck at it all that time ago - Now.

When you feel hungry and it gets tough, Remember food is not banned for life! Its a short time, a small price to pay for achieving a dream and being happy in yourself, comfortable in your own skin again and confident. Food can wait.

When you feel the weightloss is too slow, Remember that its a lot faster than if you wernt losing it at all. Either keep losing slow until its all gone, or give up and get even bigger right?

When you're feeling rotten and want to cheat, Think about how slim you would already be, with no need to diet, if you didnt do that so many times already.

When you feel like its going to take too long, Think about how long its been left to get that bad. It can be beaten once and for all right now, so you will never have to feel that way again.

When you're out with friends and get caught up in the high spirits, and think having a night off will be ok, Dont. These situations dont stop because you're on a diet, you have to learn to be strong when needed or the pattern will never be broken and the yo-yo will continue. Stick at it and soon you'll be out with them dancing rings around them at your fittest!

If you really want the taste of something, Remember its only food! Is it really THAT important right now in comparison? Happiness and all the things you will gain when you reach target are so much more important and satisfying than that plate of grub.

If you're 'really going to do it this time' and its 'different to last time' then do it. No excuses, no fails, no cheating, no slip ups. Go at it like a bull to a flag and dont stop until you reach the goal. Not having this attitude is the reason you're not there right now.

Imagine reading your diary back when you're as slim as you imagine yourself. You're making that happen right now, dont stop :)"

Brilliant thank you :) xx
Silly me thought a quick weigh in would be ok but of course I'm 2 lb heavier than I was this morning :/ anyway I'm in bed and its freezing!!

I have an iPhone app "hypnotise yourself thin" or some guff so headphones in and relax.....

Any things worth a shot ;) xx
It doesnt count, its night time just ignore it! Its completely inaccurate :) I rekon you are going to have a fantastic loss again. Night hun xx
It doesnt count, its night time just ignore it! Its completely inaccurate :) I rekon you are going to have a fantastic loss again. Night hun xx

Haha yes I should know better shouldn't I?

It's not damaged my mind set. Nothing will deter me at the moment. I'm going to read this

"When you feel like a certain food, Imagine yourself eating it when you're slim. That time will come if you refuse it now.

When you feel like giving up, Remember you WILL regret it, change your mind in months to come and feel as determined as now to start again, probably heavier, and you'll wish you just stuck at it all that time ago - Now.

When you feel hungry and it gets tough, Remember food is not banned for life! Its a short time, a small price to pay for achieving a dream and being happy in yourself, comfortable in your own skin again and confident. Food can wait.

When you feel the weightloss is too slow, Remember that its a lot faster than if you wernt losing it at all. Either keep losing slow until its all gone, or give up and get even bigger right?

When you're feeling rotten and want to cheat, Think about how slim you would already be, with no need to diet, if you didnt do that so many times already.

When you feel like its going to take too long, Think about how long its been left to get that bad. It can be beaten once and for all right now, so you will never have to feel that way again.

When you're out with friends and get caught up in the high spirits, and think having a night off will be ok, Dont. These situations dont stop because you're on a diet, you have to learn to be strong when needed or the pattern will never be broken and the yo-yo will continue. Stick at it and soon you'll be out with them dancing rings around them at your fittest!

If you really want the taste of something, Remember its only food! Is it really THAT important right now in comparison? Happiness and all the things you will gain when you reach target are so much more important and satisfying than that plate of grub.

If you're 'really going to do it this time' and its 'different to last time' then do it. No excuses, no fails, no cheating, no slip ups. Go at it like a bull to a flag and dont stop until you reach the goal. Not having this attitude is the reason you're not there right now.

Imagine reading your diary back when you're as slim as you imagine yourself. You're making that happen right now, dont stop "

Over and over when ever I feel discouraged. Xx
Poop. Worked out that I have to lose more than 3lb a week to be 10stone by August 4th :( double poop'

Hunny you can carry on with the packs and be 10-11 stone ish or give up and be 19 x come on babe you can do this x
But muffy even if you don't hit your target, you'll have gave it a damn good go and be a lot closer than what you are now. Think back to how good you felt at 11... Clothes getting too big all the time. Your confidence will be sky high, you'll walk taller in your slimmer clothes your skin will be brighter, you'll smile more because you'll know what you've achieved... Over all you'll be happier. We all love you chick and want it for you just as much as you do for yourself. Xxx
But muffy even if you don't hit your target, you'll have gave it a damn good go and be a lot closer than what you are now. Think back to how good you felt at 11... Clothes getting too big all the time. Your confidence will be sky high, you'll walk taller in your slimmer clothes your skin will be brighter, you'll smile more because you'll know what you've achieved... Over all you'll be happier. We all love you chick and want it for you just as much as you do for yourself. Xxx

Wise words Carrie :)
Iv just got to pop in quickly before waking kids up. I tried relaxing with virtual gastric band hypnotherapy app on my phone last night. It didn't relax me it just kept me awake till 3am stupid thing!

Iv been awake half an hour I'm laying in bed. Feeling a bit sicky.

I have physio at 11 so really nervous about the pain today :( but atleast ill be out of the house for a bit today.

I will weigh before I get dressed and hopefully have some more of the gain off :)

Will let you know. Xx