

Full Member

I have never really been a fan of mushrooms but it is used a lot in recipes etc., anyone the same and overcome it?
I love mushrooms but hubby hates them so I substitute other veg for mushrooms in recipes, like courgette, peppers, augergine or butternut squash!
Good suggestions Kaz!

you can try other varieties of mushrooms to see what you think, if its a texture issue you could try porcini mushrooms- they are really delicious & a lot stronger than the button variety so you get all the flavour for a much smaller amount :)
Yep I used to really dislike both mushrooms and peppers and now love mushrooms and am nearly there with peppers. The key for me was to eat them in things where the taste was disguised to start with (e.g. mushrooms in spag bol, peppers in fajitas) and then gradually work up to having them in less overpowering flavours. The thing that got me liking mushrooms was ham and mushroom pizza - so maybe that's worth a try!! Add plenty of garlic to them too, it complements them well :)

Oh, and don't expect it to happen overnight - it took me until half way through my 20s to like mushrooms, and I've literally conquered peppers in the last month after about 2 years of perseverence!!! :D
It's hard to imagine how people dislike mushrooms as the flavour isn't strong, it may be the texture? As I can't eat a raw tomato but cooked I LOVE.

I suggest if you see it in a recipe you could replace it with courgette or aubergine. Or chop the mushroom up very small so it is disguised!