My 10 Week TS Bali Bikini Diet

Yup, so I've had the best shake this evening. 2 choc packs, 8 ice cubes, 250ml water. Yum, thick shake.

This evening I have entered all my low carb gourmet recipes into mfp, this way once I'm eating again, it's all easy to enter. How very virtuous!
I really have been dim this past week. I have been feeling quite low in energy around 4_5pm ish, can't be bothered to do anything etc. So surely it should have made sense to me that by having my breakfast at lunch, then 2 shakes together at 6 just isn't working. At least I have realised that now and will have my lunch time bar, a shake at 3ish and another at 6 ish. Just because I'm not hungry does not mean that my body does not need the nutrients. Naughty smiley.
Weekly weigh in, I've put on a pound!!! I have been in ketosis, stuck 100% to plan, and am not worried about this at all. I know I'm smaller, so people, don't always trust those scales. If you are only taking in 600 cals a day you can't not lose, mine has come off in inches.
Ooh didn't think of the swelling thing, I bet that's it. I'm drinking 4 litres, which is what I've done all the way through.
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I've had a very successful days shopping. I got some really lovely linen trousers x 2 made by m&s new, 3 dresses all good makes and v pretty, about 5 tops, floaty and good makes all for £30 from charity shops! Also, 2 pretty vest tops and some hot pink, skinny fit 3/4 length trousers for £6 in Debs. Got Clarins body shaping cream too, luckily I knew the girl and she threw in some travel size bits I needed for free. Very pleased with my size 12 haul, none of which I can wear yet!!
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Hubby and I have been sitting in the garden, enjoying the warmth. I made a conscious decision to eat a chicken salad, and it was lovely. Not too big a portion, but enough to join in. It was enough to clear a headache I've had this afternoon. Have put my new small clothes away in a pile for another few Weeks time, and tidied away a bag full of cheap colouring crayons, colouring books and pencils I got from Wilkinson to take to Bali for children there. I have read that many schools don't have such luxuries, so I'll be able to give these away during it trip.
:wow: to how organised you are!!!! I have been low carbing since Feb and am eating only natural un-processed foods and trying to listen to my body.......think I may be bit deaf in that area tho :8855: Do you really need to buy extra items in order to go low-carb? Just wondering xx
Only if you want to follow particular recipes, especially the baking in the low carb gourmet book. Also, I want to be ready to go, go, go when I get back from Bali. That way there's really no excuse not to get going straight away. Not only that, but I am super excited about getting started!
Only if you want to follow particular recipes, especially the baking in the low carb gourmet book. Also, I want to be ready to go, go, go when I get back from Bali. That way there's really no excuse not to get going straight away. Not only that, but I am super excited about getting started!

With all that planning you are bound to succeed :woohoo:
diembroadhurst said:
I'm making Mr Me the butter chicken and cauli rice for tomorrow nights tea - only I couldn't get tandoori paste at my local tesco so I am going to use red thai paste instead. Hopefully he will like it.

Hmmm Thai paste with butter chicken? Let me know what he thinks, sounds very interesting.
Good morning Smiley, have just popped into D's diary and see you're both in the 12's! well done xx
The good thing about the bad breath is it acts as a constant reminder to keep drinking water! Well done, you're doing great!
Oh bleugh, my resolve is weakening. I want to eat, nothing awful just meat and salad. I know that's nothing too dreadful, but I want to be strong so that I don't have all this wobble on holiday. I'm not hungry, I just want to join in. I won't, but I bloomin want to.
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I think that's about where I'm at, but I'm annoyed because I've been so 100% focused on TS all the way til the 7th. I can't really deviate because I'm on a time limit and I really am not close to being able to wear a bikini just yet.
It hasn't helped because I've struggled with migraines every afternoon this week. It could be the heat, the way I've had my packs spaced out, or that I've lowered my beta blockers too much. I don't know, but it's thrown me off kilter.

Will stop moaning now and get on with it. Have had a double shake Ice cream this evening, meaning I've had 4 packs. C'est la vie.....
You are doing so well and you don't have far to go now but unfortunately I know nothing about your diet so can't really comment in a helpful way x x