My 100% 100 Day Challenge

i was a bit of a drama queen about the whole situation. i feel rather stupid now. but i aint going to take any crap anymore.
no you wernt you were just upset as any one would be, and your right not to take any crap from any one
I'm really pleased you have managed to work things out hun and it sounds like you have really re-evaluated your relationship and figured out why it is you love eachother and how to make your relationship strong and healthy. I agree you probably shouldnt think about weddings for a while! Just enjoy being together and a couple without pressure. I rushed into marriage at 21 and now have the divorce papers to show what a mistake it was! Not to say thats the same for everyone by any means just remember you have all the time in the world :) x
Hi Kels...I'm delighted that you worked things out, I could tell that you really loved him, and to be honest could tell he loved you too!! You are both very young and weddings etc are very should enjoy your time together and experience new things together or with friends, it is very easy to let your friends go when you are in love, but it is better to spend some time with them and apart from each other...I think you have made a good decision, enjoy being young together there is plenty of time for other things :D

And don't feel silly, you were very hurt and upset and we are all here to support each other x
Catchup...Tuesday 20th May..Day 29

I was sensible but was a really boring day so nothing much to say!:rolleyes: