My 6 week challenge!


Full Member
So I've got 6 weeks to get to my goal of 9 stone. Im currently around 10st 2lbs and got a wedding to go to in 6 weeks so in going to use that as my target. Started SS+ this week and worried about my weigh in tomorrow in hoping it will be ok
How did your weigh in go - good challenge too
Not lost any because it was my husbands birthday weekend and ended up eating :/ but we ate the night before weigh in so the CDC said that will be why. Not again going to be good now
So I've lost 2lbs this morning which gets me to 9st 13lbs! Finally in my 9's! Not been in my 9's since I was 21, 7 years ago! 13lbs to go and I'll be at target weight!