My Atkins Diary.... here we go!

Yes I can imagine, and I remember now you saying it was difficult to cook your own meals. I'm a Kiwi - do you got there often?

And call me Susie (the Captain bit is optional lol) :)
I've been to NZ quite a few times actually. My parents live there.. (in fact they get their citizenship next week!!! hurrah! after 7 years it's about time really!)... They live up in the Bay of Plenty. I've been to Rotorua, Taupo, Matamata. Mount Manganui is one of my absolute favourite spots!.. IT's a BEAUTIFUL country.. so fresh.. (as is the food.. seriously.. your tomatoes actually TASTE like tomatoes rather than watery mush!!)... Oh.. you could get me started on a few NZ faves!... The kumara chips.. god I loved those.washed down with L&P !!.. HUNGRY NOW THANKS SUSIE!.. Where in NZ are you?
Just back from the hospital.. had to have a synthetic synovial fluid injected into both knees so I can exercise better.. and get a better range of motion.. OH MY GOD THE AGONY.. I've had it done in the past.. but my knees have deteriorated so badly that the inflammation got in the way of the needle.. First time in my life I screamed in a doctors surgery... actual streaming tears... my left knee is ok.. just tender.. but my right knee is just buggered and I'm in agony.. walking with my bloody cane again (haven't used it since I was 255 pounds!).... but necessary.. hopefully in a few days I'll be good as new.. but frick. that hurt like hell.. no local either.. Have you SEEN the size of a needle used to get under your knee cap?....

Anyway.. dinner tonight.. corned beef hash again with broccoli cauliflower and asparagus...
SF jelly and cream for dessert...

Wimpers off and hobbles to the kitchen to get said dessert.... feeling sorry for myself!...

POOL WORK TOMORROW!!.. can't let this get in the way of my exercising!!..
Oh Kizzie you poor love, that sounds dreadful!!! Please apply jelly and cream anywhere you think it might help x
OW - hope you recover fast!

Lol @ susie!
LOL SUSIE!!!!.. really needed that laugh.

I was admitted to hospital on Saturday morning. The pain was unbearable. I'm just out now.. with a bunch of pain relief.. I had a cat scan and have found that my little cartilage in my knee has actually disintergrated totally.. so I've been told I must get surgery to realign my knee cap.. BUMMED OUT!!!..

I am back in Spain in August so will use my vacation time to get it done.. THREE MONTHS recovery!!.. WHAT ABOUT THE GYM????.. SO PEED OFF!!!... wish I could take a sickie!
Oh I'm so sorry! You poor thing!!!! I hope things look up soon!
Oh no Kizzie, so sorry to hear!
Thanks guys.. yeah I need to wait.. I"m in Miami until the end of July.. so when I return to Spain then, I'll get it done. I want to be at hospital where I know the staff and surgeons. MY lapband surgeon heard I was admitted and came to see me. SO NICE!... He was so happy with my weight loss...

Still gutted.. really wanted to get this exercise regime off the ground..Now I'll be immobilised for three months! and away from home/friends/family.. SUCKS!!
Wow!.. thank you so much for that comment Susie.. I'm actually choked!.. thank you!.. You'll live to regret it if I come to have three months of immobility and boredom on my hands!!.. lol

Maybe I'll come up with an exercise regime for the immobile!.. there have to be more of me out there with knee conditions... mmmm got me thinking!.. Turn a negative into a positive and help a few peeps out!... Emailing my personal trainer now.. we have to use knee strengthening as the main course with a side of weigh loss... and of course that dessert of jelly and cream soothingly massaged in where it's needed!.. hehe..

Thanks again Susie... really needed to read that before going to bed (Just tried getting hold of various family members.. none are home!!).... cheers dears!
Happy to help hun - I had a seriously bad time last year and these guys were lifesavers :D:D:D

I was on here from morning to night and all I got was helpful advice, supportive comments and friendship.

Things are much better for me now - as they will be for you soon - and I still whinge and carry on, and they're all still my friends :)
Morning Kizzie, not good news there love, sorry to hear that.
Thanks guys...really good to know.. and all this support because of Atkins!!.. and here I will be moaning about knee surgery.. who needs a knee surgery support group!?!.. LOL... Lisa.. I really will be on here moaning and groaning... I'll have so much time on my hands to do it!!.. be warned.. but then it's my diary .. so I could be moaning and groaning a lot to myself! haha.. (what's new!! lol)

I'm really quite scared about it all.. being away from home.. but I need it done and I'm trying to lose a lot more weight.. get my quads as strong as possible and build up my upper body strength for the 3 months I'll be immobile and using crutches..

This is not a time for complacency!... Atkins is going to help me out a lot with this upcoming adventure!...

Still haven't lost weight this week.. Still stuck at 196... even after my hospital trip!... maybe my body is in a bit of shock this week. Poor bod.. will have to feed it some good proteins and nurse it back to strong health.
It's OK to be a bit scared hun, not good when anything goes wrong with our bodies, I know I take mine for granted bigtime - so share all your thoughts and let's see how we can make things a bit more positive for you :)